Gobbler with swollen snood

Eric 2016

Jun 29, 2016
A couple days ago I noticed my bourbon red gobbler ‘s snood was swollen. He is eating and drinking normal, he is strutting and gobbling normal, I don’t see any other signs of distress except that you can tell the snood bothers him by getting in his way. He’s in with a hen that shows no issues. Any ideas on what would cause this?


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A couple days ago I noticed my bourbon red gobbler ‘s snood was swollen. He is eating and drinking normal, he is strutting and gobbling normal, I don’t see any other signs of distress except that you can tell the snood bothers him by getting in his way. He’s in with a hen that shows no issues. Any ideas on what would cause this?
Hormones. Toms have their snoods swell due to increased blood flow when they are aroused (almost always). When it first starts becoming enlarged, it can cause discomfort due to blocking the nares. You will see them almost constantly swinging their enlarged snood from side to side to clear their nares so that they can breathe easier.

I assume that you are a first time turkey owner since this is normal for all mature toms. Hens can get slightly enlarged snoods but I have not seen a hen whose snood will get big enough to reach past the end of her beak.
Hormones. Toms have their snoods swell due to increased blood flow when they are aroused (almost always). When it first starts becoming enlarged, it can cause discomfort due to blocking the nares. You will see them almost constantly swinging their enlarged snood from side to side to clear their nares so that they can breathe easier.

I assume that you are a first time turkey owner since this is normal for all toms. Hens can get slightly enlarged snoods but I have not seen a hen whose snood will get big enough to reach past the end of her beak.

Nope. I’ve had turkeys for years. This snood is not enlarged because of hormonal excitement, it’s SWOLLEN as the pic reflects
Hey there! That snood does appear to be swollen; however, I would think that trauma from fighting or getting it caught in something would make it a slightly different color. It does appear darker, but not to what I think it would be.

Something that comes to mind is a possible bite/sting from an insect. This could cause a reaction like you’re seeing. I’d also check to see if there is any sign of infection. If he’ll let you, and you’re willing, try raising it up and cleaning it.

Just to clarify, it’s just him along with a hen in the enclosure, right?

Hope it gets better! Let us know what goes on please!
Hey there! That snood does appear to be swollen; however, I would think that trauma from fighting or getting it caught in something would make it a slightly different color. It does appear darker, but not to what I think it would be.

Something that comes to mind is a possible bite/sting from an insect. This could cause a reaction like you’re seeing. I’d also check to see if there is any sign of infection. If he’ll let you, and you’re willing, try raising it up and cleaning it.

Just to clarify, it’s just him along with a hen in the enclosure, right?

Hope it gets better! Let us know what goes on please!

Thanks for the reply. Yes it’s just those two in the enclosure but now that I think about it, the other day my broad breasted gobbler got loose and the two were sparing through the fence.
Thanks for the reply. Yes it’s just those two in the enclosure but now that I think about it, the other day my broad breasted gobbler got loose and the two were sparing through the fence.
Yes, that sounds normal. Snood pulling is a behavior that starts early for poults, and some just never grow out of it — especially when hormones kick in.

I would keep an eye on him though. Hens are very curious and yours may pick at his snood. It should be good in a couple days. If not, I would separate him, if possible.

Like I said, please let us know how he does!
A couple days ago I noticed my bourbon red gobbler ‘s snood was swollen. He is eating and drinking normal, he is strutting and gobbling normal, I don’t see any other signs of distress except that you can tell the snood bothers him by getting in his way. He’s in with a hen that shows no issues. Any ideas on what would cause this?
Hi! I came to this thread to seek some more info/answers. My tom has a swollen snood very much like the one you pictured. It’s swollen due to a pecking order fight. We’ve been spraying wound spray on it but it’s been about 3 days and looks the same. Is this normal? Did your turkey’s snood heal up? Thank you!
Hi! I came to this thread to seek some more info/answers. My tom has a swollen snood very much like the one you pictured. It’s swollen due to a pecking order fight. We’ve been spraying wound spray on it but it’s been about 3 days and looks the same. Is this normal? Did your turkey’s snood heal up? Thank you!
Hi! :frow welcome to BYC!

This is an old thread and I dont think the original poster is active. I have no turkey experience but I hope someone more knowledgeable comes along. You can also create your own post here:

Include detail and helpful to include pictures.
Good luck!
I would honestly leave it alone now with no spray. I used to doctor their snood as well but I think it just slows recovery down. They scab up and heal pretty fast.

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