Goat - burst something on forehead


May 8, 2021
We found this on our dwarf goat Louise this afternoon. It appears to be a bubble of some kind that burst next to a scur. She didn't even seem to notice it and was eating as usual. We handle her twice a day so this was very strange. Louise is 12 or 13 years old now and has never had any issues other than a gut thing a couple of years ago. I put Neosporin on it and as I was doing so more blood and liquid came out. It appears to be responding to treatment but five hours later she seems a little disturbed. The vet hasn't gotten back to me but it is a Sunday. Does anyone have any suggestions?


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Goats have a scent gland in that area. Might have something to do with that. Otherwise it could be wound. I probably would use bluekote, and do a week or two of penicillin, but hopefully you can get a hold of the vet.
Thank you. I was finally able to get ahold of my vet and she suggested the same thing but thinks Louise ripped off the cover of her scur. It's really good to know about the scent gland though because she was coughing and kind of gagging after I put the neosporin on yesterday and did it again when I sprayed the blue kote just now so that's probably why. It looks just terrible.
Thank you. I was finally able to get ahold of my vet and she suggested the same thing but thinks Louise ripped off the cover of her scur. It's really good to know about the scent gland though because she was coughing and kind of gagging after I put the neosporin on yesterday and did it again when I sprayed the blue kote just now so that's probably why. It looks just terrible.
If it's the scurs being knocked off, which can happen quite often, the horns are directly linked to the nasal passages. I've had it happen here a time or two. It heals after a bit and can be a bit painful, but I've never had anything else come of it.
If it's the scurs being knocked off, which can happen quite often, the horns are directly linked to the nasal passages. I've had it happen here a time or two. It heals after a bit and can be a bit painful, but I've never had anything else come of it.
That is very reassuring. We lost her true sister to a mysterious thing that swept in and took her in three days from the time she stopped eating to the time she passed. I suspect it was bladder cancer so I'm sensitive to any issues in case whatever that was is genetic. We count ourselves very lucky to have had so few problems in the eleven years we've had them.
Goat are actually quite delicate creatures and don't do well with pain or illness. They also have very sensitive digestive systems. So sorry you lost her sister.

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