GLuten free feed??????

We have just started raising chickens the first of May. Everything has been going fine until a couple of weeks ago. My husband got very sick, had the worst case of diarrhea I've ever seen. I took him to the ER and found out he has samanila positing. My question is, how do we find out if any of our chicks are sick? We know that he had to have got it from them. We've been washing our hands after handling them but must have failed. :( I'm scared......what do I do?
I see your reply that you make your own pet food - no commercial food. My daughter and I have Celiac Disease, and cannot have wheat,etc., not even a speck. She wants to get a parakeet. Do you know if a good quality seed mix, such as what you have, would work for a parakeet? If so, what does your include? Any info or guidance will be greatly appreciated!

I see your reply that you make your own pet food - no commercial food. My daughter and I have Celiac Disease, and cannot have wheat,etc., not even a speck. She wants to get a parakeet. Do you know if a good quality seed mix, such as what you have, would work for a parakeet? If so, what does your include? Any info or guidance will be greatly appreciated!

We have been getting feed from our local feed mill. It's just corn and soy based, not ideal but we don't seem to react to the eggs unless we eat a ton at one sitting (mild soy intolerance probably). Before we switched we were using a wheat based feed, my girls had stopped wanting eggs all together and I was getting bad tummy stuff after eating them and reactions from handling the feed. I would love to do non GMO feed but everyone I've seen contains gluten grains. I plan to try fodder at some point but haven't gotten that far yet.
I just found this thread. Is anyone still reading and posting? I'm also celiac and have problems with eggs fed gluten grains. I just bought a house in another state where I can have chickens and I'm researching like crazy. Can you guys tell me how it has been with the GF feed. Are your sensitive celiacs eating the eggs successfully? Are the hens laying successfully? How long has it worked?

Someone tried to tell me that my problems with eggs were with high omega 6 and not gluten in the eggs at all. Corn is high omega 6, so that experience of that person who can eat corn fed eggs but not wheat fed eggs wouldn't agree with that. Can you tell me more how that is going? I don't know if I should be worried about gluten and high omega 6, or just gluten.

I'm glad this forum is here. I have a lot to learn.

I started this post, and yes i still read it. My chickens have been gluten free for a year ish and my daughter no longer reacts to our eggs. I sprout my seed, not a full on fodder system, but just a 4 day sprout and feed on day five. I use a grain mix of 2parts oats, 2 parts millet, and 1 part black oil sunflower seeds. When i feed the sprouts i add kelp granules, oyster shell, diatamaceous earth, and flax seeds. I get 8 eggs a day from my 11 layers. So i would say its working alright. This is not all i feed my chickes. They also get garden produce, bugs, and scratch through the goat pen.
This is promising and relieving. Thanks for posting. Being sensitive enough to gluten to react to eggs of poultry fed gluten grains sucks, eh?

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