Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Last night I received a text saying that a customer wanted two of the heaviest pigletsbut he wanted then for a cheaper price.

My response was to tell the guy to buy the piglets he can afford.

He paid the list price lol.

The semen delivery arrived in Bacolod late yesterday. It was put on the bus and Ompoy has it. The two girls should be ready to AI by morning.

One boar is large white, and the other is duroc
If a person don't ask, they can't get a maybe or a yes.
Sorry off topic, I figured this group would understand. I knew it would happen but in three years of raising, breeding and keeping chickens, I've never had to put one down. Yesterday was my first. I gave her a week in a separate sick cage and medicated to the best of my ability. She seemed to have egg peritious? Spelling. And she was losing weight so fast I felt she was suffering. I think of them as livestock not pets but this one was my first hatched here and she had a name. She was second in command to my rooster and one of the wife's favorites. I had to do it but it still felt wrong. Oddly enough we have a since of peace now that she's not hurting anymore. Sorry for venting but none of my local friends would understand.

I'm sorry for your loss. I had one like that.. I tried so long with her, but she wasn't getting better. She was special too, heck, I named her 'Baby'. She was even featured on BYC as a photo of the week. I do my own autopsies, I'm no pro but I can tell when something looks weird. I have had a young cockerel die, and upon autopsy found his heart to be severely enlarged and his body filled with fluid. Hard to miss, even for a lay person. Anyway, Baby had a huge lash egg inside her, this thing was stuck and her body had been encapsulating it for a long time. It was massive.

Afterward there was a sense of relief. She was no longer suffering and you know you did the right thing. But getting to the point of saying 'Ok, it's time' is the hardest.

Oz, but it's still an experience when you're not used to it. I love watching people abroad, even if they might share quite similar characteristics otherwise, at least the way people dress tends to vary a lot between different places. The way people look, talk or dress is just as much part of the fun, just like trying new food and all of the other things. Truth be told, I'm usually most excited about the food.

I love exotic food

Growing up in Rotterdam was awesome. I had neighbors from all over the world and these huge markets. I've had some fruits from neighbors that I have never seen again. I think family snuck them in from abroad
Learned to make some awesome dishes too.

I miss the foreign food here in Alabama.. you gotta really travel to get some foreign foods. In Rotterdam you could get shoarma at the end of the street, bakpao out of the freezer isle in the supermarket, bara from the snackbar.. In Cali that's a lot easier though.
Philippines airlines is offering a sale price of $796 from lax to mnl and 896 from new York.

Too bad it's for Jan-Mar 16.

I have no idea when I can fly

That seems quite a steal.
Mrs Oz is giving Ariel his final paycheck this weekend.

We have done our best at trying to get him on track but he is beyond repair.

Over the summer we lost 9 fruit trees to water starvation while we used twice the water we did the year before. He even kiled chives growing near the back step.

We were going to wait until we had a replacement but he is doing more harm than good.

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