Getting rid of one of my chicks will my other be upset


6 Years
May 13, 2013
Magnolia Springs, AL
Basically my question is the title post. I a have 2 week old chicks one blue cochin and one buff orp. I am considering replacing my blue cochin with another since it is already showing qualities of a boy. I know it is still very early but out of 7 chickens I have now had 5 turn out to be boys so I'm going with my gut!
I have 3 older 4 week old chicks who i am praying are females. Then I have these 2 week old chicks and 2 day old chicks. When I got my 2 week old chicks they were a day old and were in the brooder by themselves since I got them. I notice when I pull one out to hold them the other screams and hollers. Even with my newly added chicks last night these two will chirp loud if the other is away. If I get rid of my blue cochin, is his friend going to be upset all the time and searching for him? I don't know what to do :rolleyes: I hate to be the bad guy and take them away from each other, any suggestions?
your chick will get upset and stressed out ... I have twins (they look just a like and they are sisters I hope) and if I move one or hold one the other will get mad and upset because they are like flock birds (roosters are fine by there self) (hens hate being by there self they need a friend .. I had 3 hens with each other and one young rooster (I have more but they are far away from the birds that stay at my place the others are at my grand fathers but back to the point 2 of them were killed / died and the last hen (ex battery hen) got stressed out and attacked my younger birds because she was upset and stressed out but then I got her a friend and at first she attacked her all the time so the other hen lived in the woods and after a while later they became best friends and she is super happy now .. so yeah it will get upset and stressed out
Well.......I ended up not trading her friend in and getting another. I'm sure I will have to take her friend back at some point if she keeps showing signs that she's a rooster. But for now they can stay together :)
That sounds good!
I had two chicks together and a rat ate the one (
) and the other one was very very upset so i got it a little friend and at first he totally ignored it but now they are best buds!
Fingers crossed the little one isnt a rooster!

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