Get Fit Together

I've been working on the meal planning and thus far it's been helping. :fl
Still struggling with the junk food other people buy, but I haven't bought any myself in a week or two.
A little while a ago, we did a bit of a meal change.
Traditionally, we would eat toast for breakfast, then the main meal for lunch (think meat and three veg) and then we would have supper.
Supper was always a bit of a problem, to think what to have, and we quite often ended up with something unhealthy, like just some biscuits or buns from the supermarket.

But now, we eat the same breakfast, but don't have any lunch, or maybe just some fruit and water.
And then dinner in the evening, which is what we had for lunch before.
And you know what? I think I dropped about 2 or 3kg just from that! And as I was getting more exercise at the same time, gained some more muscle as well.
A little while a ago, we did a bit of a meal change.
Traditionally, we would eat toast for breakfast, then the main meal for lunch (think meat and three veg) and then we would have supper.
Supper was always a bit of a problem, to think what to have, and we quite often ended up with something unhealthy, like just some biscuits or buns from the supermarket.

But now, we eat the same breakfast, but don't have any lunch, or maybe just some fruit and water.
And then dinner in the evening, which is what we had for lunch before.
And you know what? I think I dropped about 2 or 3kg just from that! And as I was getting more exercise at the same time, gained some more muscle as well.
That's great to hear!

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