Gapeworm? Noisy breathing


Nov 11, 2020
Southern New York

Tilly is 2 years old. She sounds awful! She’s making squawking noises when she breathes… but not stretching her neck out. She makes these noises when her beak is closed too. Lives with 6 other chickens, none of whom are making noises like this or are ill. Could something be stuck in her throat? I did have a look with a strong light but didn’t see anything.

Eating and drinking well. Super hot this time of year in NY (lots of panting in the flock). Has access to shade, food and water at all times. Free ranges for an hour or so a day.
It's the heat, not gapeworms. Put a box fan in the pen to circulate air, frozen bottled water in water containers or ice in waterers. A fan inside the coop blowing out a vent helps. Fresh cooler air is indirectly brought in through the other vents.
It's the heat, not gapeworms. Put a box fan in the pen to circulate air, frozen bottled water in water containers or ice in waterers. A fan inside the coop blowing out a vent helps. Fresh cooler air is indirectly brought in through the other vents.
Thanks! None of true other chickens are making that noise but some are panting. I’ll certainly try the water bottle idea!
When using bottled water such as Zephyrhills bottled water (or any bottled water), ensure you pour water out of the bottle before putting it in the freezer. Ice expands the water in the bottle and will split open the bottle. Just pour out 1/4 water from the bottle and loosely put the cap on the bottle. Once it's frozen and removed from the freezer, just tighten the cap and you're good to go. The best thing is that the bottles are reusable.

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