Ganders fighting over me!


May 27, 2023
I have a small flock of 4 geese currently two ganders and 2 females which all usually get along fine.
2 of those 4 we raised from eggs (boy and a girl) and both are very affectionate toward me however now that it’s becoming broody season my girl (Polly) is getting more timid around me and my boy (Sebastian) has decided I am his huge wife and will attack ANYTHING that approaches me (besides Polly)
Today it got particularly bad as he would not leave my other gander alone! They had each other by the neck and were batting each other with their wings and crying out it was awful, I know there’s not much you can really do about this but it only seems to happen when I go out to see them, otherwise they’re fine with each other!
Everybody was telling me “he’s loving now but when it’s broody season he’ll start attacking you!” But he hasn’t once attacked me and has instead starting attacking my family who’s also seen him every day since he hatched 😓
He is huge for an embden too, I suppose I’ve accidentally raised the best guard/attack goose


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I know this doesn’t help any but just sharing my experience…one of my ganders thinks my mom is his goose. He follows her everywhere and hates me (who raised him). Hopefully he’ll get over it by summer!
Haha I wonder what it is that makes them choose specific people! My gander is absolutely infatuated by me and makes a huge fuss whenever he sees or hears me, it might be because I talk to him so much! I’m just glad that they don’t fight when I’m not outside..
What a handsome boy!
Sorry you have fighting going on I know it's hard to watch that. Perhaps @Goosebaby has some helpful advice (she is amazing)
It’s definitely hard to see 😢 thankfully none of them ever attack or go for me so I’m able to break them up without getting in the crossfire, but I’m not sure if you are actually supposed to break up goose fights, I feel like I once heard that you can’t interfere but I may be wrong..
It’s definitely hard to see 😢 thankfully none of them ever attack or go for me so I’m able to break them up without getting in the crossfire, but I’m not sure if you are actually supposed to break up goose fights, I feel like I once heard that you can’t interfere but I may be wrong..
I don’t interfere, my dog does. She hates it when they fight. Only my third gander, who actually has a goose friend, chased her off and she’s been leary of them ever since.
There’s not all that much you can do, he’s bonded with you and is doing what he thinks is the right thing, protecting you from interlopers. All you can really do is pick him up when he tries to attack others.
Thank you for letting me know! I was mainly worried about whether or not I should break it up to be honest, I’ll just have to pick him up lol

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