FYI - Multi-State Salmonella Outbreak linked to Wild Birds


Crossing the Road
Jun 7, 2020
North FL Panhandle Region / Wiregrass
CDC - Typhinium News
CDC Press Statement
CDC Map of Outbreak

NYT News Coverage
Seattle Times News Coverage
NBC News
CNN News

Some are reporting sightings of dead finches. Great reason to not put wild bird feeders near your flock, cautionary tale of using wild bird feed as a treat for those who free range (though ultimately, risks like this are unavoidable for we who make the free range choice).
Thanks for the heads up! I had not heard about this, but never feed wild birds anywhere near my flock. Just in case.
I try to stay well informed, and yet, had not heard or seen coverage anywhere - so when it popped up in my news feed this morning (three or four pages of headlines down), I thought other might be unaware. Google News is gradually learning I look for articles regarding poultry and livestock, among other subjects. Every once in a while, it surfaces a surprise like this one.

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