Frost Coming! Could someone Please Give Advice?

Bella the Chicken Lover

Come to Jesus, Where All is Love
Feb 13, 2023
The Avengers Tower
Hi there! I planted all of my plants a few days ago, because it has been in the 70's(Yay!) Now, there is a frost coming, and since my garden is big, I can't cover it all with tarps, blankets, ect. Because it's so big! I have some grass clippings, will those help? Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!
I have a layer that’s an inch thick and before a frost comes I pile it over the plants. I always have straw on my garden beds because it helps with water retention in my dry climate and the bonus is it helps insulate the plants!
For very tender plants like basil and small tomatoes I put glass jars over them too. You can also use milk cartons.
Anything that can cover them.
Hay, straw, feed sacks, for individual plants water bottles with the tops cut off work well, put upside down over plants.
I have a layer that’s an inch thick and before a frost comes I pile it over the plants. I always have straw on my garden beds because it helps with water retention in my dry climate and the bonus is it helps insulate the plants!
Thank you both so much! I will take your advice!
Thank you both so much! I will take your advice!
You’re welcome! Weather here in the mountains where I live is very unpredictable. Here you should expect a random frost until Father’s Day so I’ve had to get creative with protecting my warm season plants so I can put them out in late April! Straw and covering the tender plants with jars/plastic milk cartons has worked so far!

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