Frontline's not working! Rocky Mountain Spotted fever

Leptospirosis is another disease that may be transmitted by a rat.

I've also heard comments elsewhere complaining about Frontline, but I haven't seen any official responses yet, or comparisons as to which products use which chemicals, or if it's not the chemical but something ELSE that prevents it from persisting the full four weeks. I think it is quite possible that other medications/feed supplements etc could prevent frontline from working. Don't have time to look into it in detail right now though.

But which tick/flea preventative a dog can be given depends sonmewhat on breed (especially sight hounds, collie type breeds - ask your vet if the product is appropriate for your dog BEFORE PURCHASING ANY flea/tick preventative.
Here's a scary human story... my husband was ill on and off for 7 years and had symptoms of MS and other diseases. We even went to Mayo Clinic. The lyme test was always negative and no diagnosis. Finally, he paid for his own blood work to check for more obscure stuff. Low and behold, he had 2 different types of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever!!! After a long regimen of antibiotics, he feels better than ever.
Collies or related collie breeds are horrible for heartworm guard medications and flea/tick pill/dip/apply tube and they are so much more sensitive to it. We have had collies and never yet lost one to it but scary to think of it.

It would not surprise me if insects are now resisent to those type of medications. What's next, our Sevin's dust and sprays?
Frontline stopped working for us two years before we left KY for MT. That was 6 years ago. Since we have moved back south, the vet suggested Advantix, which we started to use before we left KY and it worked really well. We really did not have to use anything in MT but even up there the vets know that the Frontline was becoming ineffective in the south.

As for the Heartworm meds, the small amount of Ivermectin that is present in the monthly treatments is for below the dosage that would be dangerous for your Collie dogs. I have raised Australian Shepherds for years and have worked with the vet concerning the heartworm treatments and have never had a problem. Heart Guard works just fine for Collies types.
Our vet here in Florida said that the company that makes Frontline has diluted it. It doesn't work here anymore, either.
If you need to buy meds online, I can't say enough good things about Jeffer's . Free shipping, and no script needed. I've been buying most all of my horse supplies from them for years.
This is the first time I have bought anything for the dogs there. on the top menu click flea & tick
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