Friendly roo

My Japanese Bantam rooster are always friendly and like to be picked up. They also are quite quite and get of well with the hens. I can even keep a rooter, hen pair and the rooster will not over mate the hen.

I have 5 rooster at the moment, and they all get along with each other with no fighting.
My Ameracauna roo wasn't too quiet, and the 2 EE roo's I hatched out were crowing like crazy at 4 1/2 weeks old and they were both pretty loud by the time they were 8 weeks old.
I have done some looking around on this and it seems like it just depends on the individual rooster. Alot of people suggesting a certain breed, but then someone saying their rooster of that same breed is very loud. bantams will be quieter because of the smaller size I know that. I liked my blue Jersey Giant. . very very large, gentle, does well in small flocks with various breeds, and his crow would be real deep rather than the higher pitch of the smaller roosters which in my opinion the higher pitch carries farther.
I also hear that silkies are friendly and not too loud(although my friend who had them, his were loud) but the only thing is that they are just so ugly looking.

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