Friendly peafowl


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
Southeast oklahoma
My wife was wondering how to make our peafowl a little more friendly. We give them scratch and they seem to like it but is there something that we could do that makes them really tame?
Hand feeding them treats really helps!

Here is some info on taming peafowl:

Treats for Peafowl:

Of course the friendliest peafowl are normally those that you have hand raised up from a peachick. Imprinted peafowl are some of the tamest. It isn't very likely that you will be able to tame down a peafowl enough to pet it, but you can get really close to them and have them eating out of your hand and have them comfortable enough to lie down and sun bathe right next to you.

My wife was wondering how to make our peafowl a little more friendly. We give them scratch and they seem to like it but is there something that we could do that makes them really tame?

If you start them out young it gives you a head start since they will imprint when they're chicks. When they are adult sometimes you need another to show the other wild ones that they can trust you. I can only get my oldest two to eat out of a coffee can while I'm holding it. At first they wanted to get no where close to me but now they are some what friendly. My young ones are friendly enough I can do this.
I showed my peahen in FFA!

My other peahen when I was training her to be friendly.

For fun.

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