Free ranging cat and chickens?

Erika Shumway

In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2017
Before I acquired chickens I have my cat, who loves the outdoors and hunting rodents and small birds. When I first got my chicks of course she was super interested and stalked them, which I discouraged and chased her off. I only saw her full on chase after them once and I yelled and chased her off. As the weeks went on, I got more comfortable and started leaving the house with them free ranging and I knew she was outside somewhere. They were always fine when I would return and I continue to observe her watching them all the time. It's been three months now, she has had many opportunities to get one, but hasn't. This morning I found her hanging out IN the coop, at the entry, just watching them. I don't mind at all the idea of them mingling together, as long as she knows not to attack them and at this point two of them are bigger than her and I don't think she would even try, but I was just curious what people's experience has been with their cat and chickens. Do you think it's safe to assume she's not going to go after them at this point? I feel like she has to know they are off-limits, she sees me holding them all the time and I scared her off so many times from stalking them, she knows better now, right?
OK. Your cat is a predator. She does not "know" that your chickens are off limits. I do NOT think it's safe to assume she will not go after them.

Although some people have never seen a cat kill a full-grown chicken, I have. Yes. They can do it. That's what cats do: they are a very skillful and intelligent predator, and if they see a chance they will take it. Does it happen all the time? Absolutely not. However having a cat IN your coop/run area is a risk. It is of course possible that she is in there after rodents, who are after spilled feed. Still... personally? I would not "trust" my cat to not kill my chickens. In fact I am really confident that she would kill them if she had even half a chance. She is quite the hunter.
OK. Your cat is a predator. She does not "know" that your chickens are off limits. I do NOT think it's safe to assume she will not go after them.

Although some people have never seen a cat kill a full-grown chicken, I have. Yes. They can do it. That's what cats do: they are a very skillful and intelligent predator, and if they see a chance they will take it. Does it happen all the time? Absolutely not. However having a cat IN your coop/run area is a risk. It is of course possible that she is in there after rodents, who are after spilled feed. Still... personally? I would not "trust" my cat to not kill my chickens. In fact I am really confident that she would kill them if she had even half a chance. She is quite the hunter.

Ok, thank you for the feedback!!
And just to paint a clearer picture, after three months now with chickens, the cat mainly just walks around the yard (when she's home from her adventures) and the chickens are nearby and she could care less about them and they're mildly concerned about her. She's not stalking them anymore, just hanging out watching occasionally. They pretty much seem like old news to her now, but I also wasn't sure if she was just being stealthy and waiting for the perfect moment, when I let my guard down.
Most cats will be happy to kill chicks, and some cats will go after larger birds too. It depends! generally cats go after smaller prey, so not adult chickens, although some might try very tiny bantams. My barn cats are looking for mice and sparrows, and move away from the hens and roosters. They also eat very well, so aren't in the 'starving feral cat' category. Mary
And just to paint a clearer picture, after three months now with chickens, the cat mainly just walks around the yard (when she's home from her adventures) and the chickens are nearby and she could care less about them and they're mildly concerned about her. She's not stalking them anymore, just hanging out watching occasionally. They pretty much seem like old news to her now, but I also wasn't sure if she was just being stealthy and waiting for the perfect moment, when I let my guard down.

I think you are pretty safe as long as you remember she is a cat ... my goofy group have been know to crawl into a nest box the birds do not use to nap but still leave before lockup at night or I will take them out with me with it getting earlier

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