Fragile Eggs Shells, will Ca suppliment help?

No I did not. But Lola was much older. and I did do an X-ray ( I'm vet tech) and we believe it was cancer. Eventually everything just started to break down on her. Cropped slowed , I was pulling 600 cc s of fluid out of her for months to make her comfortable. Very sad. But Annie's never been sick in her 1 year life.
"If I understand correctly, you are feeding layer feed and then offering oyster shell on the side, right?"

Sorry to take so long to get back, I thought that I had clicked onto getting your replies directly via email but apparently not.
Yes, layer feed and oyster shell on the side. I even mix the oyster shell into their treats that are sprinkled around daily hoping that would be eaten as well. No change, eggs shell is still paper thin from this one hen. Thx for the replies
I just started giving my Annie vitamin D3 liquid. Also a half of human calcium pill every other day it's been 5 days and her eggs are not soft anymore and each day the shells gets harder. I also dewormed her with safeguard. So far she's laying better. hope this helps.
I just started giving my Annie vitamin D3 liquid. Also a half of human calcium pill every other day it's been 5 days and her eggs are not soft anymore and each day the shells gets harder. I also dewormed her with safeguard. So far she's laying better. hope this helps.
Where do you get the D3, how much and how to you administer it? How do you give the human calcium pill?
I have an EE who has always laid very thin shelled eggs. She will be 1 year tomorrow. The eggs use to have rough, thick spots all over. Those spots have been gone for the last couple weeks. She eats the same as the other 2, who have nice thick shells. Modesto Milling Layer Crumbles, with oyster shell always available. I have started drying and crunching up the good shells to put down as well. Wondering if human calcium for this gal would help.
thanks for any info!
You can get D3 liquid from any vitamin store or amzon. I give a 1/2 ml a day. Hold her on your lap Pull down her waddles to open her mouth and just push the pill down the back of her throat. She'll swallow it. I suspect my Annie was getting depleted of nutrients. AVC in water to help absorb calcium too.

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