Fox attack.

Thanks for your reply! This fox has now taken 10 chickens. We are working now to keep them confined, and they are NOT happy. Ms. Fox was back late yesterday, just before twilight, walking right in front of my porch. I grabbed the .410 and barely missed. When the fox attacks, there is nothing left but a few feathers. I’ll find a way to bait her/him and get him out of here!
I can't shoot them where I am for safety and laws, houses are close. Mine is around all the time. A couple nights ago it was in the middle of the road facing off a couple of cats. It chased one into my carport then ran out with nothing.
I know this thread is almost a year old, but we are having trouble with a fox. It has killed 5 of my chickens in the last two weeks. One flock stays in the pen, the other flock free ranges - and those are the ones being attacked. Our dog managed to save one of the Reds. That’s when we saw the fox. Really, I don’t know what to do, except keep them all in the pen. That means wing clipping, looking for holes (again, never ending), and finding a way for the two boys NOT to kill each other - or have a pot of rooster and dumplings. (One of the Roos is a chicken run dictator).
I‘m wondering if this fox has babies, and has found herself an easy food source? Also, if we don’t do anything, we won’t have any chickens left. Help?
Sadly the only way you'll have any chickens left is to increase the level of protection you've provided in the past or they'll keep killing them until they've killed them all. Pairs hunt together and mate for life (and teach their young to hunt in the same places they've killed)
I can't shoot them where I am for safety and laws, houses are close. Mine is around all the time. A couple nights ago it was in the middle of the road facing off a couple of cats. It chased one into my carport then ran out with nothing.
You likely have a pair with kits for it to kill 10 chickens in 2 weeks and still be chasing cats. That's a lot of hunting for one fox.
You likely have a pair with kits for it to kill 10 chickens in 2 weeks and still be chasing cats. That's a lot of hunting for one fox.
Yeah, I feel like there’s more than one here. And the one I saw yesterday appeared lighter in color. Geez, this is a nightmare! We’re going back out now to fortify even more, and put up the net over the top so they can’t get out. Shooting the fox (es) is still a possibility, as distasteful as the idea is. With 50 acres, they could be anywhere, and we’d never find the den. That’s OUR food they’re messing with.
Yeah, I feel like there’s more than one here. And the one I saw yesterday appeared lighter in color. Geez, this is a nightmare! We’re going back out now to fortify even more, and put up the net over the top so they can’t get out. Shooting the fox (es) is still a possibility, as distasteful as the idea is. With 50 acres, they could be anywhere, and we’d never find the den. That’s OUR food they’re messing with.
They can have multiple dens in their territory. Maybe you can find a hunter who would be willing to help you .
They can have multiple dens in their territory. Maybe you can find a hunter who would be willing to help you .
We do have a friend nearby who hunts regularly, so I’m going to call him for advice and possibly an assist. My husband and I have gotten rid of smaller varmints, but these furry little stinkers are slippery! I feel like they’re watching us so they can snatch a chicken when we go inside.
Yep. Paranoid much? :barnie
We do have a friend nearby who hunts regularly, so I’m going to call him for advice and possibly an assist. My husband and I have gotten rid of smaller varmints, but these furry little stinkers are slippery! I feel like they’re watching us so they can snatch a chicken when we go inside.
Yep. Paranoid much? :barnie
People who study them say they do case a place out and do just that. :(
:rantUgh! Back out to the chicken pen. Will update as soon as I can. Between the birds and poor Frank, that’s enough death for a while.
I worked on mine a while today too ( made it harder for anything to get inside )Lowered their perches too (they started jumping back and forth and had a blast) They don't have a clue how many critters would be after them if they weren't in a run.

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