Fowl pox?


Sep 2, 2021
My Welsummer rooster has developed some dark marks on one side of his comb. It doesn’t seem to be getting worse but isn’t going away either. No other of my chickens have it. Just want to make sure it isn’t fowl pox. Sorry for the bad photo he’s the most terrified rooster even, we won’t let me near him without running away.

No, I don’t think this is fowlpox as it looks more like scab tissue to me. If you can wait until dusk once your chickens have settled in for the night it will be easier for you to pick him up off his roosting spot for better pic and closer examination.
I would think it would get either better or worse if it was fowl pox. From what I can see, it looks like a scab of some sort. It almost looks like some of the peck marks that my chickens get when another chicken pecks them on the comb. Those scabs can sometimes stay for quite a while. I would go in the coop after dark with a light to see if you can get a closer look at his comb, if possible.
Thank you, I’ll try to remember to check tonight. I thought it would be a scab it’s just I never saw any signs of pecking before it. My Granddad feeds them when I’m at work, so I might just have not been there when it happened.
I almost never see mine pecking at each other, but they do end up with peck marks from time to time. I make sure to monitor for signs of infection, especially if they are large, but otherwise I leave them alone and they disappear eventually. I hope you're able to get a closer look so you can see what's going on.
He is handsome, but I see an injury or peck wound, not fowl pox.
Thanks, he’s even more handsome when he has a flipping tail! He moulted and hasn’t grown it back yet, but he’s still stunning. I had to separate him from my silver welsummer hens when they were all moulting because he’s a pushover and lets them pluck is feathers, so I’m not surprised is a hen pecked his comb in the pen he’s in now with my layers.

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