Found dead this morning, no signs of distress


16 Years
Dec 24, 2007
Northern California
I found one of my "twins", a Wheaten Aracurna, dead this morning. It appears she died in her sleep as her head tucked under her wing.

I don't know what to think? Has this happened to others and your thoughts? Very sad, I love my little girls as we all do.

It is just called a sudden death. It happens. I have always wondered if it was not a heart ailment or something genetically was not quite right and eventually couldn't support the larger body. It sucks, but it happens.

Mrs K
Sorry for your loss, it's a shocker to walk in and find a dead bird.
Has this happened to others and your thoughts?
Yup, but birds were obviously ailing somewhat beforehand so most were not a total surprise. Tho illnesses can be very subtle and hard to spot.
DIY necrospy might answer your questions as to 'why',
if you're really curious and familiar enough with chicken innards as I am from slaughtering.
How old was she?
Was she laying?
Was her belly, from just below vent down to between legs, swollen at all?
Do you regularly examine for external parasites?
Are you in a Newcastle disease quarantine area?
I lost one suddenly last year. Went in the morning to feed/water and she was perfectly fine. Went in early evening to collect eggs and she was stiff. :( From what I have read, chickens are really good at hiding disease. Unfortunately, it happens. All we can do is our best. Sorry for your loss.

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