Forum Subscription Emails

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By the way, when you reply to a message you'll notice that the "subscribe to this topic" box is always empty. If you've already subscribed you don't need to check this box, the system remembers your last setting.
Oh, two other cool things about subscriptions:

1) You'll only get one email telling you there were new posts until you come to the forum and read. The system then knows that you'll want to be notified AFTER you've visited and read... not every single time someone replies.

2) You can subscribe to any thread even if you haven't posted in it.
Another feature I like:

When you get the subscription emails you can opt (in your profile) to get the text of the post in your email! I like to turn this on so I can quickly see what was posted without having to come to the forum.

Keep in mind, you will only get one subscription email until you visit the forum!
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