For Sale: Elite Holderread line waterfowl


Jul 28, 2014
Northumberland Country, Ontario Canada
My Coop
My Coop
We are selling adult and juvenile elite waterfowl all originating from the Holderread flock in Oregon.

We offer up to 30 varieties of Indian Runner ducks along with the following:Spotted Call, Snowy Call, Australian Spotted, Mini Golden Cascade, Golden Cascade, Welsh Harlequin, Ancona, Dutch Hookbill (12 varieties), Silver Appleyard, Saxony, Brown African, Buff African, Blue American, Lavender American, Embden, Shetland, Cotton Patch and Giant Dewlap Toulouse geese.

More information and bookings can be accepted at:


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How much would it cost per adult or juvenile elite bird for a U.S customer, excluding the price of the actual bird? Travel cost, health certificate, etc.
Both? I'm not sure which I would choose, as Ohio isn't too far to travel and I would love to attend Ohio Nationals.
We could ship the birds out of Ohio, we would charge actual shipping costs from Delta + cost of a carrier dependant on the amount of bird.
Okay thanks! At that rate, I'm better off going to Ohio, picking up the birds there and enjoying the wonderful show :)

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