For All You Lurkers (you know who you are)

Buff Hooligans

12 Years
Jun 11, 2007
When you finally join up with BYC, and we know you will, choose a screen name that people can understand and reference. If you chose a name like "o3q!%", nobody can relate to it. And it is awkward for people to reference a name like that when wanting to respond to something you wrote. Like, "hey o3q!%, I agree with your comment about chicken feed" is just a tad awkward to type.

Chose a name like Bat Wings or Rough House so people can say "hey Bat, great pics of your silkies", or "Rough, what a great coop design".

It's the memorable names that are easy to understand and type that get referenced more often.

Just a suggestion from someone who likes it when people say "hey Buffs, shut up and get back to your office job!".

Another hint: If you live on the east coast, don't post anything really important first thing in the morning. Wait until the rest of the country's time zones are awake. You don't want your post to die out into the bottom of the pile before they sign on. There might be people in California who know the answer to your question.
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Great post!

Special characters in your username may also make it hard for you to use the BYC chatroom.
Oh, drat. But that was early this morning before I had my second cup of coffee. I was off my mind.

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