Fluffy Butt Flock role play


Professional Chicken Chaser
Jul 18, 2023
The Keystone State
This role play features five different mini flocks, or groups, of chickens. They all have different personalities and territories that they forage in everyday. They also have different personalities, mean, kind, etc... each group consists of 12 chickens.
There names are something food or nature related, it can be anything really that falls into that category.
Each group or flock is explained more below. I will grant access as soon as possible. The link doesn't work too hot, so just reply with your answers to these questions.

These clans are also Wild Chickens! No people interactions, because they live in the backwoods and tundra of Alaska.

Name Theme: Nature or Food?
Characters Name. What does it mean for the hen/pullet?
Clan: What clan is your hen in?
I will stay as much involved in the role play as much as possible.
Yes or no?
Age of hen/pullet:
Role in the flock:
Appearance/breed of chicken:
Some Background history:

Mean Girls Clan

The Mean Girls are just that, mean, bossy, and aggressive. They don't like to share anything, and bully and stalk the other flocks, groups, clans....
The members are most commonly aggressive chicken breeds, like Black Australorp or Rhode Island Red, but can be any breed.
They live in a little peninsula at the fork of a river, called the Yukon River. It is made up of mostly forest, but has some tundra, and sandy, rocky beaches. Most of the food here is mushrooms, clams, fish, and wild berries, along with different kinds of grasses in the tundra.
There biggest predators are grizzly bears and mountain lions.

Vegan Girls
These chickens are very uptight, they will not eat any bugs or meat. They can also have some attitudes and get in tiffs with others, whether within the clan or not.
These girls are Hoover's Rainbows so they can look like anything, please explain very detailed on the form if your chicken is part of this clan, of what she looks like.
This clan lives in the middle of the tundra, and there is only one tree for miles. They roost in the branches of this tree every night, staying safe from predators.
Mostly they eat the berries that grow in the shrubs, and the grasses of the tundra.
Their biggest predators are bobcats.
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Sweet Girls

This clan is mainly made up of calm and sweet chicken breeds. Like Buff Orpingtons and Silkies, but can be any breed really.
They live on the beaches, eating mostly clams and seaweed.
They sleep tucked up in the bushes, which is very dangerous.
They often come in contact with the Mean Girl Clan, which can cause some friction between the two clans over food and land.
Their biggest predator is the black bear, fighting them for the salmon that was up on the beach shores.

Bearded Lady Clan

This clan is made up of bearded chicken breeds, such as Prairie Bluebell Egger, Ameraucana, and Salmon Faverolles, but they can be any bearded chicken breed.
They live in the tundra, and some open woods, with not much cover, but they only visit the woods about once a week, because of the high population numbers of mountain lions.
They mostly eat the grasses of the tundra. But eat the leaves, berries, and mushrooms on their trip to the forest.

Colored Layer Clan

This clan only has colored layers in it, any colored layer. They can lay blue or green eggs.
They live only in forest, deep in so most commonly they don't run into the clans.
They commonly eat leaves, berries, and mushrooms, along with other forest bugs.
Their biggest predator is the mountain lion, due to high numbers of them in their territory.
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Background history:

All clans were shipped from Hoovers Hatchery, and headed to a farm in Anchorage, Alaska. They were all one clan before hand, but due to a disagreement in opinions they parted their own ways, and formed the 5 clans.
They over heard bad things about this farm from other chicks in the truck so they decided to escape along some very backroads in the woods of Alaska.
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@TesoroSena @Fluffy_Moth_With_Silkies @BackroadGirl57 @Pampered chicken girl @-Shade- @Blue Raptor @Lacy Duckwing @Amer @Chicken poppy @AidKD @Addicted To Chickens @The Welch Chickens @MamaPoult @Isabella6Storm4

Tag anyone else that might be interested! You can make up to two characters, please make them in different clans. There is 12 spots in each Clan and 4 clans. 😁
If making more than character, fill out the form twice! Reply here letting me know you filled out this form, and I'll take a look at it right away!

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