Hey everyone.

Ugh, I caught the crud while out and about in Lexington Tuesday. It hit me early yesterday morning. Could not breath, congestion, body aches and my head feeling like it is going to explode. By midafternoon I gave up trying to do anything productive and just hit the bed and passed out. Rosie ended up going out and putting up the chickens although she forgot to gather the eggs. Today has been much the same. I will say I finally broke over this afternoon and tried the Mullen tea dad swears by. First let me say, I despise tea, hate, hate, hate the stuff. This afternoon, if I thought it would have cleared up my head I would have went outside and drank muddy chicken water. Dad brewed me a cup and I managed to drink it even though it tasted terrible. 30 minutes later, I can take my first deep breath in almost 2 days without a coughing fit and my nose stopped running. Dad has turned into a huge tea drinker and has all sorts of teas. He sorted threw his box and also told me the organic peppermint tea my help as well. I'm currently sipping on it. At least it tastes better. I will work on Part 2 of Momma hens story hopefully tomorrow if I am up to it.
Get better!
Hey everyone.

Ugh, I caught the crud while out and about in Lexington Tuesday. It hit me early yesterday morning. Could not breath, congestion, body aches and my head feeling like it is going to explode. By midafternoon I gave up trying to do anything productive and just hit the bed and passed out. Rosie ended up going out and putting up the chickens although she forgot to gather the eggs. Today has been much the same. I will say I finally broke over this afternoon and tried the Mullen tea dad swears by. First let me say, I despise tea, hate, hate, hate the stuff. This afternoon, if I thought it would have cleared up my head I would have went outside and drank muddy chicken water. Dad brewed me a cup and I managed to drink it even though it tasted terrible. 30 minutes later, I can take my first deep breath in almost 2 days without a coughing fit and my nose stopped running. Dad has turned into a huge tea drinker and has all sorts of teas. He sorted threw his box and also told me the organic peppermint tea my help as well. I'm currently sipping on it. At least it tastes better. I will work on Part 2 of Momma hens story hopefully tomorrow if I am up to it.
Sending out healing thoughts. 💓

This guy has been sleeping in the coop. I've just fed and wormed him

Princess shouting for more treats and Amori waiting for his breakfast

Pony Sunday

Good morning everyone

A few wild critters

Geese and their babies at the Niagara Falls State Park, NY

This lovely tree frog was chirping up a storm the other day

And this large moth was playing it dangerously sitting in range of the chooks!

And caught both Reenie and Truly snoozing Friday night, and I see Truly was down sleeping again last night.

Reenie - she snores haha

Truly - she didn’t stay down long.
Thank you for doing the tax as intended.
I don't know why it seems so hard for some of us to grasp. Tax should be posted with any off topic post so the poster at least has to pause long enough to upload the tax picture.
Maybe sometimes that pause will mean the person decides not to post some random thing. But if they do clutter up the thread with random stuff, at least the rest of us get to feast our eyes on lovely chicken pictures!
It is an incentive system people. It is not about punishment after the fact!

Tax system rant tax:
View attachment 3832906
It's really simple. If you are not posting about chickens, include a picture of chickens so it is about chickens. This is a thread about chickens.

You just need to think like this...

I made English muffins don't they look great! Oh, and here's a chicken.

There was a time I considered banning non-chicken talk because chickens had become secondary. This is the solution to that. The thread flies along with all kinds of chatter. Let's at least include chickens in the chatter.
Mera has joined the ranks of the broody. She's a quiet one, and has chosen to brood in a nestbox OTHER than the preferred (THANK YOU sweet girl). She was on nothing but a fake last night, so got the eggs laid yesterday plus 1 from the house. Marked them this morning when she came off the nest for breakfast. She's back on now, so we will see how she goes. She went broody last year, but nothing hatched (multiple broodies), so she's still untried. As a whole, she's pretty chill, and not inclined to harass the juniors. She now has 1 green egg (Pippa, I think), 2 white (Lark/Indigo), and 5 brown, 2 are the lightish tones that the feather feet lay. The other 3 are more bronze toned. Tentative hatch date: June 9.
Piglet needs a psychiatrist. Either that, or she is born management material.

She continues to do everything like a broody. She shouts a lot. Tries to intimidate everyone, and is generally disagreeable.
Everything that is, except sit in a nest - she has delegated that to Tassels.
She even ‘sits’ - just not in a nest. Only where there is food within reach.
I wasn’t able to go see Auggie this past week. Weather was bad all week. It’s supposed to be storming today, so I have to see if I can sneak out to the barn to ride.

I’m going to text my friend later today to see if she can help me get rid of Pastel. I still need to talk to my parents.

If I can go, I’ll get some pictures of Auggie for Pony Sunday.
But for now here’s a BFTP of Lenny. I think I was bareback when I took this photo. I was so scared- I hadn’t ever ridden him bareback. And the last time I had rode bareback was a year before, and I tried to canter the pony and she threw me off 😂💕 luckily she was a tiny Shetland pony, so I landed on my feet 😂

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