Thirsty Thursday

Could only catch Henny Penny taking a drink today.

She’s such a pretty wee hen, and I love her waddle when she runs 💕
You have the equivalent of Panacur in that bottle you shared on the other thread.
Panacur is a brand name. The active ingredient in Panacur is Fenbendazole.
You have three worm treatments in your bottle. One of them is Albendazole.
Fenbendazole and Albendazole are essentially the same thing. The hint is in the name! They are both powerful against roundworms but not against tapeworms. Both can be used in both people and animals. Both are relatively safe.
In your bottle of wormer you also have Pirantel/Pyrantel (which acts against the same worms as Fenbendazole/Albendazole) and Praziquantel which acts against tapeworm.
Thank you for helping here. You have given sound advice.
Hi everyone.
I missed a day and a half and get behind 12 pages.

First off, @featherhead007 I am so very sorry about Hen-Rietta's passing. She had a wonderful long life with you. Also congratulations, you wanted Buff Orps, from you recent pictures you have at least 2 orps.

@Ponypoor congrats on POW with Miss Betty.

I am exhausted. Had to be in Lexington this afternoon for Rosie's eye dr appointment. Afterwards I had to make good on my promise to hit the mall for her birthday. I think that girl could live in Old Navy and Bath and Bodyworks. Dad had 1 job while we were gone. 1 job, gather the eggs. Did he do that? Nope, 14 eggs in 2 different spots in the hay. I left home with no broody hen, I came back to Karen plopped on the nest with 8 screaming like a banshee.

Sadly I am 99% certain Momma Hen is gone now. Dad did go trail riding today and up by the cemetery behind our house He came across a huge pile of feathers. No body, but a lot of feathers. From the pictures he showed me they look very much like Momma Hens. That or hawk. If it was Momma Hens feathers, I can not blame her passing on a predator. Being at least 12 1/2, and the mobility issues she had been having I think she passed naturally. She was showing signs her time was close at hand. She gave me grief, she flogged me more times then I care to count and I called her everything under the sun. I will miss that Ole Bat. There will never be another one like her.
Stopping in and saw this. I’m sorry to hear she didn’t come back. I and many others here will miss her along with you all. :hugs
She lived well while with you, no doubt longer than she would have otherwise, imo. Her life was arranged the way she wanted it, a balance of domesticated and wild. A wonderful thing to have witnessed and been a part of. :hugs:hugs RIP Momma Hen, a truly great chicken. ❤️
We have lots of guns at my place. Dad keeps saying that he’s going to teach me how to shoot. I know the basics but I’m not good at it. I have a BB gun that I shoot ant beds and the ground with. I have okay aim but I certainly need to learn how to shoot better.
Growing up the boys all had BB guns and would shoot us girls in the butt. Then someone got shot in the face. Almost lost their eye.

No more BB guns for the boys.

Up here the kids shoot the street signs, very irritating hearing that ping all the time. All weekend, very annoying. My neighbour up the road from a ‘weekend warrior’ comes up on the weekend and tears around the county forest on his dirt bike (he hit a tree about 10 yr ago and almost died), and then they make homemade bomb blow things up and shoot rifles.ALL WEEKEND LONG.

I don’t ride in the county forest anymore he almost hit me on Sally one day.

He is a moron and so is his dad, their place is one big junk yard of crap.

This is a long weekend here so not only will I have to listen to their crap but also the illegal fireworks scaring our horses and the local cattle (not to mention the retired veterans who have PTSD and don’t like those noises).

The country isn’t always quiet and peaceful…

Ok tax for going on and on….

The chicks are now over 3 weeks old and they are going everywhere, they go out with the silkies and Teddy and all seem to be getting along fine.
The barn is a great play ground for them!

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