I’m embarrassed to say that I haven’t spent enough time with the big girls. They have been fighting each other. Dakota has been trying to get that rooster from next door to show her attention. :rant
The heart wants what the heart wants. I'm sure he isn't a bad guy, he's just following his rooster instincts.
When I take the littles out of the brooder box, they kick and scream, but less than five minutes, they are all completely comfortable on my lap and watching tv. Then when it’s time for bed, same thing. Kicking and screaming. I don’t know what to do, they need space to stretch their muscles. :he:th
The chicklets want to be with you! You are a very good father to them.
Two-fer Tuesday.
Two Dominiques Demand a Delicious Meal.
Phew. Lumina went broody, but still laying eggs. She pulls the broody stance and yells when someone goes close to her. Also the characteristic buk-buk-buk.
That’s what Tippy did, she would spend hours in the nestbox, lay her eggs scream obscenities at me if I even looked at her. Even Raven left her alone!

One day I grabbed her and chucked her away from some grain and the look she gave me! I tell you I really was a bit scared - like the time this big thoroughbred mare gave me a look and lifted her hind leg threatening to kick me!

Tippy looked at me with her head cocked to one side her eyes flashing dilated and contracted fast in anger - jeeeez! I backed down 😆
When I take the littles out of the brooder box, they kick and scream, but less than five minutes, they are all completely comfortable on my lap and watching tv. Then when it’s time for bed, same thing. Kicking and screaming. I don’t know what to do, they need space to stretch their muscles. :he:th
Kids! Mine do that also - ‘stop I don’t wanna go outside I wan stay in here, oh ok outside I can dig in the dirt!’
‘Arghhh, agggghhh, noooo I wanna stay out her and dig in the dirt, let me stay out here, I ain’t afraid of no goats’

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