Call me lazy if you want to, but chick sitting is my favorite thing to do. I hired a kid from down the street to weed whack my yard.
(So I can have precious moments with the littles)
Apparently my BIL will mow my lawn today! I will see when I get home if that happened šŸ˜Š

So my sister and BIL are now installed in my house having sold theirs. They are both retired and will now look at trucks and RVs, and look for a new smaller house.

In the meantime my BIL has vacuumed the whole house and did some housework, and brought up some feed to the barn for me on a trolly as itā€™s to soft and wet to drive the truck up to the barn.

He help me but up the ā€˜summer doorā€™ so the swallows can come and go at will. Handy having him around!

And he can see his chooks he ā€˜donatedā€™ to me - of course he calls them different names than I do, he calls Red, Lonestarā€¦..
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Apparently my BIL will mow my lawn today! I will see when I get home if that happened šŸ˜Š

So my sister and BIL are now installed in my house having sold theirs. They are both retired and will now look at trucks and RVs, and look for a new smaller house.

In the meantime my BIL has vacuumed the whole house and did some housework, and brought up some feed to the barn for me on a trolly as itā€™s to soft and wet to drive the truck up to the barn.

He help me but up the ā€˜summer doorā€™ so the swallows can come and go at will. Handy having home around!
If they can't find a house, send them here. He sounds likes he is very handy.
The wardrobe comment reminded me of one of my kidā€™s books, Mr. Watsonā€™s Chickens. Itā€™s amazing!

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Itā€™s this couple where one of them gets hit by Kelly-level chicken math, and the flock just keeps growing. I donā€™t doubt for a second that the author must have real first hand experience šŸ˜‚

View attachment 3817442
Look at all those crested birds šŸ˜ Lol and the weirdo EE with the beard on the bottom right.
I will have to look for this, reminds me of one of my favorites "But no Elephants"
But the post said they were continuing to scream and @LhickenChicken didnā€™t think they would stop any time soon.
When I have had chicks get cold and scream they stop the minute they get some heat. Like throwing a switch.
Continuous screaming sounds like something is wrong.
Maybe scared? Maybe not warm enough? Hard to know. I used a brooder and the minute I shove them under there they stop. They like to snuggle and be warm and under ā€˜mamaā€™ in the dark where itā€™s warm.

Donā€™t have enough infoā€¦

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