Just my throat. I have been eating hot peppers lately (really hot ones) eyes watering because of the chemical distribution going on across the highway!
Yeah it’s that time of year. They’re growing almonds (because everyone wants their almond milk) I’m never really sure how they squeeze those almonds and get milk out. :idunno
Yes it must be quite chemical / water dependent.

Hmmmm so red hot chilli peppers to cure what ails ya, and apparently (according to HRH) grows glorious beards and muffs!

Is that correct Muffy?

FYI - she is absolutely filthy these days, I don’t have to trim up her feathers to see, they are so chinked with mud it’s like she has dreadlocks!
Yes it must be quite chemical / water dependent.

Hmmmm so red hot chilli peppers to cure what ails ya, and apparently (according to HRH) grows glorious beards and muffs!

Is that correct Muffy?
View attachment 3760190

FYI - she is absolutely filthy these days, I don’t have to trim up her feathers to see, they are so chinked with mud it’s like she has dreadlocks!
Yes, Sir Jaffar’s humble servant is growing a beard 🧔🏻‍♂️
(Because I can) :D
Correction: I’m 140 pages behind. That’s nine days worth of chatting! But I’m going to get through it to see who has already gotten Spring chicks :)

View attachment 3759943
Albert is still unwell. She did perk her tail up when she saw me taking her picture though haha.

She doesn’t seem to be eating except when I offer something exceptional- ie: scrambled egg. But I don’t have enough hens laying to supply the eggs to feed her. It’s day three of Corid and I expected better results by now if coccidiosis were to blame.

What to do, what to do. I sure hope she pulls out of this.

View attachment 3759942 Also, check out these mortal enemies dust bathing together. Albert and Perry- so heartwarming! 🥰
I may have missed the first answers you got, so sorry if I'm repeating stuff that was already said. I am no expert by any means, but here is some basic information.

First, just to make sure : did you stop the vitamins while doing Corid ? Corid mimicks vitamin B1, so giving both at the same time will counter the effect. If you did, you would have to start again as if on day 1.

Then, did you do all the basic checks for a sick chicken ? You can find more detailed sources of info, but to sum it up : respiratory ( listen to breathing sounds, watch if face is swelling abnormally), swollen eyes, checking the ears (hidden under the little cap), crop you said was normal, mites/lice near the vent and under the wings and neck, injuries under the wings. Look if the chicken has trouble walking and balance, and if she is holding her neck normally. Feel the abdomen to see if it is swollen, and either abnormally hard or squishy. I don't remember if Albert is already laying : in case she is, you need to watch if that is causing her difficulties, if she is staying too long in the nest or if she has put laying on hold.

As for a dewormer, I don't approve of deworming when you are not sure that chickens have worms, but I have done it myself on sick chickens when I couldn't identify their issue. I am not sure if you can find Flubendazole in the US : that would be the best choice as it covers everything except tapeworms, has no withdrawal period and is the least offensive for the chicken's digestive system. Next to that I would use febendazole, which has a two weeks withdrawal in my country (France) , it's sold in the US as Safeguard for goats I believe.
Yeah I haven't gotten many pictures lately of the chickens, between having to be careful of the heart monitor (which I'm sending in today for them to analyze! I can take a real shower and not a quick lukewarm one!) And just being busy getting ready for spring.
Dad is getting a lot farther on their kitchen, and he says that my coop is next on his list!
Here is Fenix being a croissant. ❤️
View attachment 3760244
Yeah I haven't gotten many pictures lately of the chickens, between having to be careful of the heart monitor (which I'm sending in today for them to analyze! I can take a real shower and not a quick lukewarm one!) And just being busy getting ready for spring.
Dad is getting a lot farther on their kitchen, and he says that my coop is next on his list!
View attachment 3760255
Here is Fenix being a croissant. ❤️
Hope the monitor comes back cleared.

And just think! Your dad will be getting your new (is it an extension?) run/coop! All eggciting!

Hahaha croissant - now I am hungry!
That would she been an awesome Pony Sunday photo!!!

We have all gotten away from Pony Sunday - this Sunday I expect moo moo, baa baa, and crazy ponies, pups, and alligators, and any others none kitty, none chickie creatures 😊
Hope the monitor comes back cleared.

And just think! Your dad will be getting your new (is it an extension?) run/coop! All eggciting!

Hahaha croissant - now I am hungry!
That would she been an awesome Pony Sunday photo!!!

We have all gotten away from Pony Sunday - this Sunday I expect moo moo, baa baa, and crazy ponies, pups, and alligators, and any others none kitty, none chickie creatures 😊
Thanks. I hope they just come back with "you're really out of shape" or something like that!

A full coop and run!
Remind me Saturday or Sunday morning and I'll get some cute pics of my lizard and dog.
Thanks. I hope they just come back with "you're really out of shape" or something like that!

A full coop and run!
View attachment 3760263
Remind me Saturday or Sunday morning and I'll get some cute pics of my lizard and dog.
Yea that would be good (well not really but easy to fix), must times I think it’s usually a life style fix.

Oh yea I remember you showing us that one - perfect! I like it! Oh I can’t wait to see it 🥰❤️

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