OMG - I had no idea you had planned such extensive destruction!
Where will the horses go? Didn't you just knock down their stalls?!
Hahaha 😆 no, several yrs ago I renovated the north side of the barn, so the geegees still have a home. The plan was to renovate the south side but my father died before that could happen. So I have been slowly doing stuff myself, and my uncle will come up usually every week to help also. He helps with electrical and plumbing stuff.

All the fencing was redone, I started that when my dad died - it was something we had planned on doing as it really needed to be done. Lot of slugging but I am getting it done,

Few weeks ago my mum wanted the kitchen cabinets repainted so I had to do that, my uncles helped with that. We painted them cotton grey.
Yes, my hubby is a wonderful person 💖!

Unfortunately, Cesario is still limping and holding up his foot. I prepared a crate for him and will take him off the roost and put him in there this evening and all day tomorrow. I don't imagine that he will be particularly happy about this, but hopefully a little rest will help.

Today Chukki decided that Cesario's appearance needed an upgrade. She spent a long time grooming him and she was NOT gentle! It looked like how a mother cat holds down her kitten and cleans it. Poor Cesario didn't dare move and just hunkered down waiting for her to be done! 😆
Poor Cersario 😊 Mr P has been putting up with Marty and Penelope grooming his dreadlocks, and they are also not very gentle!!

Sorry to hear the wee fella is still sore. I think putting him on rest is a great plan, is there anyone you can keep inside with him?
Hahaha 😆 no, several yrs ago I renovated the north side of the barn, so the geegees still have a home. The plan was to renovate the south side but my father died before that could happen. So I have been slowly doing stuff myself, and my uncle will come up usually every week to help also. He helps with electrical and plumbing stuff.

All the fencing was redone, I started that when my dad died - it was something we had planned on doing as it really needed to be done. Lot of slugging but I am getting it done,

Few weeks ago my mum wanted the kitchen cabinets repainted so I had to do that, my uncles helped with that. We painted them cotton grey.
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FYI - I had the granite countertops put in the year after my dad died and one evening I decided I needed a new back splash 😁 doing tile is really easy but fiddly diddly.
Poor Cersario 😊 Mr P has been putting up with Marty and Penelope grooming his dreadlocks, and they are also not very gentle!!

Sorry to hear the wee fella is still sore. I think putting him on rest is a great plan, is there anyone you can keep inside with him?
I will keep him in a crate in the coop. I don't like to separate chickens from the flock if at all possible.

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