And you, have you done more of those drawings and music videos? They were great! I haven’t kept up hardly on other threads…
There’s a portrait sitting there that I haven’t touched for nearly 11 months… I need to finish it! I’ve been getting into writing music for games; I completed my first game jam over the last week and have been creating my own text-based ‘choose your own adventure’ computer game, which I can link to once it’s finished.

Game tax:
A oversight on my part last night could have ended up with a tragic end. When it was time for everyone to start going to roost I went out and let Poppet have some free range time with me. I noted that Momma Hen had one of the speckled sussex's with her scratching around the hill heading towards her roost tree. Poppet sleeps in a big tote that has a lid and the entrance blocked at night. It is big enough that if I cannot get out first thing in the morning to let her out she has room for a food and water dish and plenty of space to move around. I put poppet up after about 30 minutes and then started doing a head count and a round up making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be. Everyone but one speckled sussex was accounted for. It is dark by this time and I looked everywhere. I thought I saw another chicken beside Momma Hen in her tree that was not the leghorn. I assumed she joined her in the tree. As normal dad let the chickens out of the coop this morning before he went to work. He does not let Poppet out knowing I will come do it. Between a dizzy spell for me and grandma being nauseas this morning I was a little late getting out there. It was about noon when I went out to let her out of the tote. She bolted out which is slightly abnormal. Normally she takes her time coming out of the tote. A few seconds later I realized why she bolted. Out pops Spot, last nights missing sussex. I never thought to check the tote last night looking for her. She never tries to go inside. I gathered Poppet up and inspected every inch of her, no injuries other then being a little wet from her water dish. Spot did not leave the coop immediately either, she wanted to hang around and eat more of poppets food. Same food everyone else has, but I guess Poppets is better. I sat Poppet down and Poppet ate with her. Spot did not peck her at all. Her sister Dottie was evil to her last week. After a few minutes of eating Spot decided it was time to go rejoin her siblings and left the coop. I will now triple check each night before I put Poppet in her tote that she does not have company. If Dottie had been locked up with her I fear I would have had a much different ending.
Gosh, chickens - they can be a trial. I sure am glad it all turned out ok.

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