This may have to do for my FBF contribution today. Can't get her to give me a picture in the full sunlight, which can be rather blinding, actually. Oh well. :confused:
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:eek: princess said that lady is just being rude
Good luck with your wasps, and thanks for thinking of your guests. I’ve been on the “in-laws are allergic, wasps are my friends wagon for a while, but… DH is pretty reactive. I’m on day three post sting and still have a tennis ball sized hot red spot, though the swelling is going down and I’ve moved onto itchy… so it could be a serious safety concern. It’s my own fault for drinking so much pop and putting two tbsp of sugar in my coffee and for not realizing the little guy was on my arm before I sat down!
Sorry, I'm just getting to this. The best way I have ever found to deal with wasp stings is to immediately mix up a bit of baking soda and water to make a slightly runny paste and put it on the sting area. In a matter of minutes the pain is gone, no swelling, and you can get on with life as if nothing happened. I've done this numerous times on myself and on my kids when they got stung. It has never failed me.

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