And you can’t feel any hard mass that could be an abscess? Probably not likely as it is both legs.
Bob is thinking sepsis - ie systemic infection in the bloodstream, but he would be very unwell with that.
And you have tried the magical vitamin B2?
From your description it sounds to me like a spinal tumor. Poor chap.
Spinal tumor is what comes to mind also, unless there's some abcess there on his back. I recall Shadrach had a chicken that had a bad injury like a falling tool hit it's back, and he rehabbed it, but this sounds progressive like a tumor. 😢
Yesterday evening we started getting bombarded with phone calls. Everyone was panicking because her phone was busy. None of us would put it past her to put the phone off the hook, she's done it before when she does not want to talk to someone. My cousin's wife offered to go check on her, she was one of the ones who helped take her home. They beat on the door, she would not answer so she called and I told them where the spare key was. She was asleep on the couch. A mouse had chewed her phone line in half. While she was on the phone she checked her sugar, it was 375, and I told her how much insulin she needed. Grandma gave her the same argument she has been giving me that it was not time for her medicine and she did not need insulin. She finally got her to take her shot and went ahead since it was 10:30 to take her nighttime meds. Mom got on the phone and asked her if she was comfortable staying by herself with no phone, she was fine. Did she want us to come fix her phone today, nope stay away she would get the phone company out and we were not to call them either she would find a way. She called around 3 today and simply stated phone was fixed bye. Mom just called her to check on her and she said she's fine, watching tv and hung up. I have been receiving several calls today from her friends. As soon as her phone was fixed she has been calling everyone claiming she was not allowed to use the phone here, we were not giving her medication properly and she was held hostage and that she never wanted to see any of us again as long as she lived. You know, I did not think that woman could hurt me anymore then she already has in the last 3 months but I was wrong. Her friends know the truth, her brother has been keeping them all updated on how she really is. It is time Adult Protective Services get involved, and when that happens she truly will never talk to me again.
I can try this, but in all other ways he is robust. He doesn't act like a sick roo otherwise, and there is no red striation on his leg indicating the injury went septic. I have amoyxicillian (sp?) Should I try that? I looked up dosage previously for the crop surgery....
It's up to you but amoxycillin is good antibiotic.

There are not always striations when there is a blood stream infection.

I was responding to the grey look in his face and comb. That does not indicate a robust roster to me and got me thinking about a heart problem. Trying antibiotics is real shot in the dark right now but usually there would be some improvement after 3 days. Specifically I would look for his color to return.

I can't make this decision for you. I tried antibiotics, amoxycillin specifically, on Patsy to no avail but I was out of ideas and wanted to at least try it before I let her go.
Bernadette has relocated the Hooligans’ HQ to one of the pasture runs. They enter through a door in one of the Chicken Palace covered runs, and it is open air but predator safe.
Not a bad choice really, and they do look very comfy bedded down on about a foot of oak leaves.
Bernadette is pretty pleased with her choice of real estate!
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But Lulu wants to know about the rain plan.
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That Bernie is a pretty good leader! 👍
Yesterday evening we started getting bombarded with phone calls. Everyone was panicking because her phone was busy. None of us would put it past her to put the phone off the hook, she's done it before when she does not want to talk to someone. My cousin's wife offered to go check on her, she was one of the ones who helped take her home. They beat on the door, she would not answer so she called and I told them where the spare key was. She was asleep on the couch. A mouse had chewed her phone line in half. While she was on the phone she checked her sugar, it was 375, and I told her how much insulin she needed. Grandma gave her the same argument she has been giving me that it was not time for her medicine and she did not need insulin. She finally got her to take her shot and went ahead since it was 10:30 to take her nighttime meds. Mom got on the phone and asked her if she was comfortable staying by herself with no phone, she was fine. Did she want us to come fix her phone today, nope stay away she would get the phone company out and we were not to call them either she would find a way. She called around 3 today and simply stated phone was fixed bye. Mom just called her to check on her and she said she's fine, watching tv and hung up. I have been receiving several calls today from her friends. As soon as her phone was fixed she has been calling everyone claiming she was not allowed to use the phone here, we were not giving her medication properly and she was held hostage and that she never wanted to see any of us again as long as she lived. You know, I did not think that woman could hurt me anymore then she already has in the last 3 months but I was wrong. Her friends know the truth, her brother has been keeping them all updated on how she really is. It is time Adult Protective Services get involved, and when that happens she truly will never talk to me again.
Oh. No words.
:hugs :hugs :hugs
Today is Shirina, Katydid,Time, and Platina's first birthday!
Most of the dogs aren't scared of noisy machinery either. I can run the chainsaw or skilsaw and they don't flinch. Navi loves to ride with me on the atv and the lawn mower.
My goat is like this too, doesn’t mind Hunters, fresh Venison transport (but mom that’s my cart! Why are you letting that deer ride in it?) Used to ride in the tractor cab, and chainsaws mean yummy tree branches, so they are totally ok! Arduinna is a special little Goatling

I totally lack tax photos right now please accept this free range venison one lieu

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