RIP Penguin

I’m really sad to say that Penguin died in the night. She was at the vet hospital and was going to have an X-ray in the morning, but she was having difficulty breathing. So they did one in the night and it looked like she had cancer that had spread to her lungs. She was only around 1 1/2. RIP my sweet sassy miss. :hit
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Oh, Lauren, I'm so sorry to hear this...such a young one to be taken by cancer!:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs

The sassy ones always grab our hearts, don't they!?!
Oh, Lauren, I'm so sorry to hear this...such a young one to be taken by cancer!:hugs:hugs:hugs:hugs

The sassy ones always grab our hearts, don't they!?!
I just got a call from the vet; he wants me to email him my chicken keeping routines, feed etc to see if there’s anything environmental we can improve.
Has anyone seen/heard from @Lady Red lately? Hope all is well with her!
Hey all! You are all so lovely to reach out here (and my inbox is filled with kindness too).

All is well here. I kinda feel like a jerk just popping in to say "I'm sorry I'm MIA" and "I'm so busy."

However, yes... I am sorry and I have been crazy busy. Work has been relentless for the past 6 months (yay job security!).
I've been generally awful about being kind to myself and allowing little luxuries to make all the efforts more endurable, so I've been working on remedies.
Actually took time off and went on a retreat (think yoga and hiking). I came back with a better outlook. And Covid. Thank goodness it was a mild case bc it really sucked. As in it sucked any desire to not be sleeping out of me. Fortunately I was able to segregate enough from the family and no one else caught it.

Kiddos are great! Eldest is thinking about what career path to delve into or if an advanced degree is a good call. He's got a year before graduation, so lots of conversations have and will continue to happen.
Youngest will be leaving the nest in fall for year 1 of college. He has been working and earning some crazy bank dog walking and sitting.

Hubby and I are looking forward to a trip of a lifetime in late summer (you know the details BGMath!) and I couldn't be happier to have it on the horizon.

The chickens are all in great shape and just such a joy! Naenae sometimes will take a nap on my lap if I can get outside in the afternoon. One day she had stretched out and layed sidewides and just snoozed. It was enough to make my heart burst that she trusts me so implicitly.
Even my most skittish girl, Pingu, is warming up to me. She will hop up and stand next to me when I sit on the bench. I think by end of summer she will crawl on my lap too 🥰

I cannot even pretend to be up to date on everyone - but I sure hope life has been kind to each of you.

Chicken tax... Piscia peering out of the newest and most desirable place to lay eggs. Who needs nest boxes??
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Hey all! You are all so lovely to reach out here (and my inbox is filled with kindness too).

All is well here. I kinda feel like a jerk just popping in to say "I'm sorry I'm MIA" and "I'm so busy."

However, yes... I am sorry and I have been crazy busy. Work has been relentless for the past 6 months (yay job security!).
I've been generally awful about being kind to myself and allowing little luxuries to make all the efforts more endurance, so I've been working on remedies.
Actually took time off and went on a retreat (think yoga and hiking). I came back with a better outlook. And Covid. Thank goodness it was a mild case bc it really sucked. As I sucked any desire to not be sleeping out of me. Fortunately I was able to segregate enough from the family and no one else caught it.

Kiddos are great! Eldest is thinking about what career path to delve into or if an advanced degree is a good call. He's got a year before graduation, so lots of conversations have and will continue to happen.
Youngest will be leaving the nest in fall for year 1 of college. He has been working and earning some crazy bank dog walking and sitting.

Hubby and I are looking forward to a trip of a lifetime in late summer (you know the details BGMath!) and I couldn't be happier to have it on the horizon.

The chickens are all in great shape and just such a joy! Naenae sometimes will take a nap on my lap if I can get outside in the afternoon. One day she had stretched out and layed sidewides and just snoozed. It was enough to make my heart burst that she trusts me so implicitly.
Even my most skittish girl, Pingu, is warming up to me. She will hop up and stand next to me when I sit on the bench. I think by end of summer she will crawl on my lap too 🥰

I cannot even pretend to be up to date on everyone - but I sure hope life has been kind to each of you.View attachment 3061871
Chicken tax... Piscia peering out of the newest and most desirable place to lay eggs. Who needs nest boxes??
Glad that you dropped in. You do sound busy! :frow:old
RIP Penguin

I’m really sad to say that Penguin died in the night. She was at the vet hospital and was going to have an X-ray in the morning, but she was having difficulty breathing. So they did one in the night and it looked like she had cancer that had spread to her lungs. She was only around 1 1/2. RIP my sweet sassy miss. :hit
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I wish there were words to take away the hurt. Poor lady.
So some Back Taxes and general photos, seeing S it’s just cloudy and cool and not like yesterday… although 1/3 of the girls are still hanging out in the trailer. Here’s Trouble, Meatball, and a few other volunteers to keep company in the meat tractor rehab pen. I’m treating Creamsicle for a prolapse so she is also in here, but not in the photo. She isn’t pleased with this one but.View attachment 3061643
Sammy being Beautiful as always… 🙄
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Dean Hanging out by the Jeep:
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Some Dustbathing Beauties:
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Any definitely is a looker. I just love when they dust bathe. Today was a big dust bath day here.
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