I tend to feel great sympathy when someone loses a chook here. I want to try and show that sympathy but tend to fear putting my foot in it. That's why a stock phrase like "I'm sorry for your loss" is helpful to me. I can show my support without putting my foot in it and making things worse (hopefully).

Edit: I think you must owe some chicken tax by now Shad. Any new photos of your Ex-batts we haven't seen? How are they going over winter?

My chicken tax: Pepper resting
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I took the allotment chicken stories and pictures out of Bob's thread and made my own thread partly out of consideration for Bob and those who post here.
Hi everyone. Sorry I’ve barely been on and have only posted about Ester. Lots going on.

My son was just diagnosed with strep throat. Ester is still unwell and has been self isolating, so I brought her in to warm up. She’s literally just standing there. She is backed up, swollen, not pooping or eating. I did see her drink when she came out this morning.

I gave her an aspirin for the ascites and swelling, and started her on amoxicillin. I wanted to give her some pedialyte with aloe detox, but her crop isn’t moving, so I held off. Instead, I gave her some coconut oil in hopes it helps loosen whatever is backing her up. There is a disgusting stench coming from her when I handle her, I think from her crop. Poor thing… like she’s rotting from the inside out.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if the ascites is causing the blockage or is secondary to it.

I don’t usually like to remove sick birds from the flock, but she’s been hanging out by herself, anyway. I may keep her in tonight for warmth and so I can know for sure that she isn’t pooping. If I can get her crop moving, I’d also like to get some aloe detox in her for the ascites, as well.

I’m not sure what else to do at this point. I may check in the morning if an avian vet can see her. It would be helpful to know what color the fluid in her coelum is, and maybe they could do some imaging. If she’s blocked by cancer, salpingitis, or something that can’t be cleared, like her gizzard, I may have her put down.
All at once. :(

I hope your son recovers soon. That's a nasty one to deal with, I had the same thing with my lad.

Thinking and praying 🙏 for little ester to pull through . They can surprise at times
I'm going to try once more because I feel I am not communicating my point well. Perhaps there is actually a difference in language here that is beyond my ability to bridge.

When I tell someone I am sorry for their loss, it is because I am sorry for THEIR loss. Whether they have lost a chicken or their best human friend or their parent. I believe them to be grieving and due consolation. They possess their loss. I am sorry that they are experiencing that loss. I wish grief upon no one and yet we all suffer it from time to time and I feel that I should do all I can to help anyone experiencing it.

If I could communicate with the chicken, I might also tell it that I was sorry that this has happened to them, unless of course, they told me they were glad of it.
That explanation was beautifully put.

In life real friends share their grief and pain. Good friends can anyway and you will often see this in the animal world, I have.

It's wonderful we have each other here too help ease each loss.
I think the complication for many of us (but not for you given the circumstances of your tribes) is guilt.
We see ways in which we believe we failed the chicken from our ignorance or thoughtlessness, or from keeping the chicken in a certain way.
When Posh was taken by a fox I felt terrible because I felt I had failed in my duty of care to her. I had tried to protect her but I missed a tiny spot she managed to get through and it took me a while to get over that.
When Elizabeth died more recently I felt sad for myself because I liked Elizabeth and she was good company. I felt anger at the whole chicken breeding industry to breed an ISA Brown that was so subject to reproductive issues. But I did not feel guilt. She had a good (albeit short) life with me and a rapid and natural death in amongst the members of her tribe.
Although much more recent, her death weighs less on me than does the death of Posh much longer ago.
My gals really like clover, esp the white flowers. Hopefully clover is ok for chickies, I too have mostly clover.

I also noted they liked the leaves of my tomato plants and petunias... Hopefully those things are also ok for chickens!!
Not tomato plant leaves. They shouldn't eat plants from the nightshade family (the tomatoes themselves are okay...just not the plants.) Clover is good for them; a higher protein content than grass in general.
Ah smart geegee hahaha my gals let me know when they want their blankets on.

I was going to try turkey soup with my gang, but was worried too much noodles... Bet they scarf it back also haha.
Pasta is a well established favorite with my crowd. 😆

Thing managed to dip her crest feathers this morning. They promptly froze. gathered her up, inside we went. No one else is up, so I'm fumbling through the cabinet for the hair dryer none of us use, but kept it just for this, one handed while holding on to a bird who isn't all that keen to be inside. Daren't put her down or I'll never get her up again. Find the dryer, plug in near the door (still one handed) and start working on the feathers. She keeps shaking her head and sending water flying.one of the kids finally turns up so I can hand off the dryer and start working on spreading feathers/feeling base of them. She's back in the coop with the others and is acting a bit more assertive. all dry, feathers preened back into place.

Most spent the day roosting. Watched Silver groom Cheetah, then Pear. Storm got a peck, then snuggled in (she gives the other pullets space, but snuggles in with Silver and/or Pear. Cuckoo also got a peck, then some grooming. Twirp fits down inside the feeder (after the "best food"?) And can hop right out again too. what will she get into/discover next?
I'm glad you were there to rescue Thing from 'dip'. Not the kind of weather to be doing that, Thing!!! Love the communal preening/grooming :)

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