Final Autopsy Results are In

The cause of death has not changed. Her brain came out through the hole in her skull. However there was a secondary condition.

She had Marek's disease.

Her liver, lung, nerves, proventriculus (glandular stomach), ventriculus (gizzard), duodenum (small intestine), pancreas, ceca (intestinal sacs or ducts), and brain were all involved.

She would not have survived much longer even without the brain issue. 😢

She was NOT vaccinated. Neither was Sylvie. I can only assume that Sylvie had Marek's disease as well.

The rest of the tribe outside Lilly has all been vaccinated. Lilly may have been vaccinated, I just have no idea.

I have attached the document which they provided to me from The Pennsylvania State University regarding Marek’s disease. There is some helpful information included in it.

The Marek's may have been here all along or they may have brought it with them. I have no way of knowing. It is here now and will likely always be here.

@CrazyChookChookLady I know that Ned and Lucky were never vaccinated. I am guessing that they do not have Marek's as they successfully made it to adulthood but I feel you should know. I know it is too late to do anything about it. I'm terribly sorry if it shows up in your tribe. 😔

I feel that this ends any thought of me having broodies hatch as well. There is no way I could vaccinate the chicks without them being exposed to the virus during their sensitive period post vaccine as their mom could easily be a carrier. 😢

I'm so sorry. I do thank you for keeping me aware of what's going on.

I try to take things as they come, so what happens will happen. So far everyone is happy and healthy.
Mareks. Wow, so very sorry for the news. I have heard that there is nothing that can be done about it. I’m concerned about my tribe too. Something happened to Emily, and I didn’t take her body to get tested. I’m also worried that the chickens ate some seeds off of a bush that the rain washed to the ground. I’m in a state of fear now too. (I can’t stop them from eating stuff from the property) :idunno
There is no treatment outside of the vaccine. 😥
Little Arizona is still setting on those eggs. She refuses to get off them. I go and check on her all the time, day and night. Being sure she’s fed, and has water, (such dedication in a broody) I think that she’s wasting her time with the eggs, but obliviously she thinks differently! :fl
You will be very surprised when they all hatch. It's going to be glorious. 😁
Ahhh...looks like they had a tasty & fun treat! (Clearly they enjoyed it, as it is demolished!)
Brussel sprouts plants. We can't seem to get them to make sprouts, they just make leaves, don't know why. Well one or two have tiny sprouts, as if we start them too late? Pretty sure we don't. The chickens love the greens for sure. So I've been pulling them up and tying them here and there in the run. Glad somebody gets something from them!
Slightly different photo. Peanut realizing a photo shoot was in progress:
Okay signing off, last bit of news, Peanut is now having a hard molt. This morning she looked mostly fine, thought her slow molt was going along. I was gone for most of the day, and late this afternoon here she is. The coop, where they've taken to their midday naps, had a carpet of fallen fluff feathers. Poor Peanut! I think it's supposed to warm up this weekend though.
Okay signing off, last bit of news, Peanut is now having a hard molt. This morning she looked mostly fine, thought her slow molt was going along. I was gone for most of the day, and late this afternoon here she is. The coop, where they've taken to their midday naps, had a carpet of fallen fluff feathers. Poor Peanut! I think it's supposed to warm up this weekend though.
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Poor girl. Terrible timing for these late molters.

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