Flowers that chickens do not like to eat!


5 Years
Jun 28, 2015
Phoenix Arizona
I am getting ready to turn my back house into a B&B and of course have beautiful chickens running around my backyard! I’m asking to see if anyone knows what types of flowers that chickens do not like to eat as I’m going to buy a bunch of flowers and pot them and put them around for color. I noticed they do not like to eat tomato plants but other vegetables they do eat. So maybe someone out there knows what types of flowers they are not interested in. In my area they are selling petunias and pansies right now etc. (Phoenix, so no snow here!!!) thank you
I'm following as I'm also planning my spring planting. I think the plants that chickens don't eat are often the plants that others don't eat for one reason or another and hopefully will not be eaten by the wild rabbits and other rodents here. I have not planted them yet, so take this how you will, but Daffodils are supposedly toxic to most critters, so hopefully will do well and be "chicken proof." Since you are in Phoenix, I'd think you can plant some succulents and do fairly well with them too.
I don't have a list but I noticed you mentioned pansies. Pansies like it cool and we can even overwinter them outside, but once the heat of summer rolls around, they die off. I wouldn't think they would be a good choice for summer in Phoenix.

my chickens nibble at my pansies through their run bars when they can reach them, though I'm not sure if they would totally destroy them if they had full access

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