Did you know that there are mini jerseys that are perfect for the small homestead farm? Most are only 36 to 39 inches high and give approx. 3 gallons of milk a day...They require less space and feed and are said to be friendly and easy to handle.And they are the cutest darn things I have ever seen.

Mini MINI Jersey... Super cute!!! My 4 yr old just said "Look Mom! He has floaties for earrings!"
I have a Holstein and she gives More milk that I can give away

Most people I know still rather get it at the store, but my pig,cats and dogs love it.

Not toention me with my coffee
Mmmmmmm cream!!!!'
OMG So cute! They just broke the cuteness meter!
I want one, it would be perfect since our yard is only about 1.5 acres (with some taken up by house/shed). I wish they weren't so expensive though... I looked into cost of them and the lowest price I could find was just over a grand
Smart hubby! My mom just found out her porch made from cyprus wood had some kind of termite. Between them, the mason bees, and the carpenter ants, I can't believe there is any wood left in FL! I have termites eating a living cedar tree! I would prefer fiberglass roofing, but the plywood is free and free is good!

Well I'll let you know what I come up with. I posted pictures of our coop and run - no wood there either. Sorry to hear about your mom's porch, an expensive fix no thanks to Mother Nature. Yes, it's a constant battle to keep standing in FL, no wonder it took so long to settle this state! Lol.
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Anybody have any suggestions about what to do about fire ants. My chicks freerange in the back yard and I found several fire ant mounds. I do not want to put down Amdro or other poisons because the little stinkers have to check out everything I put out. Will they eat the fire ants?

I thought about throwing down a little scratch to see if they get interested in eating ants. Will the ants hurt them?
OMG So cute! They just broke the cuteness meter!
I want one, it would be perfect since our yard is only about 1.5 acres (with some taken up by house/shed). I wish they weren't so expensive though... I looked into cost of them and the lowest price I could find was just over a grand
Well to keep in into perspective some people I know have spent that much buying a purebred dog so 1000 for a cow sounds like a bargain in my book, lol!!!
Anybody have any suggestions about what to do about fire ants. My chicks freerange in the back yard and I found several fire ant mounds. I do not want to put down Amdro or other poisons because the little stinkers have to check out everything I put out. Will they eat the fire ants?

I thought about throwing down a little scratch to see if they get interested in eating ants. Will the ants hurt them?
I put down food grade DE after I kick the hill in real good. Works pretty good but make sure its dry out when you put it down and disturb as much of the bed as possible so you can coat as many ants as you can.They eventually die out or move on from my yard because they get tired of me coming around with the DE.I've never seen my girls eat trailing fire ants so not im sure if they would want to tangle with a whole mound of them.

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