flies vs my ceiling fan


11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
ok..for whatever reason, there is a group of flies that are obsessed with my ceiling fan..they congregate on it, buzz all around it and wont leave it alone..i finally decided to turn it on to see if that would deter them, and they are now trying to get past the blades to get to the fan..it wasnt really dirty anyways but i had my tallest son clean the entire thing with bleach water, and they still wont stay away!
what could be going on? i am wondering where they came from anyways.
Same thing happening here.
Those little buggers are getting in before the cold weather sets in.
Is it cold where you live? I bet they are trying to hibernate inside the fan for the winter
..(i think flies hibernate anyway...lol.. maybe they dont though..)
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its not been very cold..it is shiny though..but still..what is up there that is worth risking getting hit by ceiling fan blades?? something is up, thats for sure.
I have the same problem! It is baffling!! My ceiling fan does not have lights and we have sprayed the fan with Raid and the flies come back and swarm around the ceiling fan chain.

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