Fleas are eating my kitten alive..please help

First and foremost, how old is your kitten? How much does it weigh and can you bring it inside? If you can bring it inside, that's wonderful. If not that's ok to if she weighs over 1.5 lb go to Walmart and in the pet section get this flea meds It's called advantage. 2. It's got a little kitten on it and it says for kittens that weigh 1.5. Pounds it's flea medicine that you put in between her shoulder blades and it's works miracles. I just had kittens in May and my one kitten that survived is a indoor kitten but she ended up getting fleas from my two adult dogs that were coming in and out from outside and I live out in the country so we had to wait until my kitten got to be about anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks depending on how much he weighed. And that's the medicine that the veterinarian suggested so that I don't have to pay all this money that I didn't have at the time for flea medicine. But if she's not that old and if she's not that big yet, you need to go get yourself a small dish tub or any kind of dish tub actually and take her into the bathroom. Make sure the bathroom is warm. Put blue Dawn dish soap in the warm water but before you submerge her body into the water put a ring of Dawn. Just ship around her neck so that the fleas can't jump onto her face when you're bath and her and just submerged that baby in that water for a minute that will kill all them fleas and then when you take her out or before you take her out, get a wash rag and clean her face off real nice and easy like a little baby. Take her out. Put her wrap in the towel and dry her off and get a flea comb and just comb all the dying in the dead and the flea dirt that's on her off of her fur and bathing isn't a going to dry out her coat or skin or nothing like that. If anything she might be a little pissed off at you cats hate water the reason cats hate water is because the water weighs down there fur and it feels like they're being held down. Underwater
I don't know where you live at but where I live. I live in Ohio so it's we're rearing into November so it's about to be getting cold so the fleas aren't going to be able to survive. So if you live like in the Midwest or east coast You can treat your yard. But they're going to be dying off here soon. And the medicine that you put on your kitten is going to kill them when they do jump on your cat. they'll bite your cat and they'll get eat the poison. The you know basically and her bloodstream from the medicine and they'll die so but if he is in your house I would buy a either flea bomb because your house is going to have fleas and they will stay dormant the fleas and the flea larvae will stay dormant in your heater vents or anything until spring time. So I would suggest getting some type of pesticide it sounds a little extreme but it's necessary. I'd get a pesticide and I would spray where the kitten lays I'd spray everywhere. Just spray the shit out of your house but make sure like you know the food bowls and shit are put up and vacuum when you're done spraying and take the vacuum back outside and dump your canister every room but do it outside so that no fleas can jump out of the canister and that would be my advice to you. That's how I can combat the fleas and the tics where I live and I live out in the country and we get fleas so bad that even getting a professional bug man has come out and treat our yard it still does not work so we get fleas here pretty bad and the vet bill is just outrageous between my dogs and my cats and my chickens
First and foremost, how old is your kitten? How much does it weigh and can you bring it inside? If you can bring it inside, that's wonderful. If not that's ok to if she weighs over 1.5 lb go to Walmart and in the pet section get this flea meds It's called advantage. 2. It's got a little kitten on it and it says for kittens that weigh 1.5. Pounds it's flea medicine that you put in between her shoulder blades and it's works miracles. I just had kittens in May and my one kitten that survived is a indoor kitten but she ended up getting fleas from my two adult dogs that were coming in and out from outside and I live out in the country so we had to wait until my kitten got to be about anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks depending on how much he weighed. And that's the medicine that the veterinarian suggested so that I don't have to pay all this money that I didn't have at the time for flea medicine. But if she's not that old and if she's not that big yet, you need to go get yourself a small dish tub or any kind of dish tub actually and take her into the bathroom. Make sure the bathroom is warm. Put blue Dawn dish soap in the warm water but before you submerge her body into the water put a ring of Dawn. Just ship around her neck so that the fleas can't jump onto her face when you're bath and her and just submerged that baby in that water for a minute that will kill all them fleas and then when you take her out or before you take her out, get a wash rag and clean her face off real nice and easy like a little baby. Take her out. Put her wrap in the towel and dry her off and get a flea comb and just comb all the dying in the dead and the flea dirt that's on her off of her fur and bathing isn't a going to dry out her coat or skin or nothing like that. If anything she might be a little pissed off at you cats hate water the reason cats hate water is because the water weighs down there fur and it feels like they're being held down. Underwater
She’s inside now don’t worry! And I say a few months old ? Here’s a picture


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My kitten is infested with fleas, she was under a dock half her baby hood. And now no matter how much I bathe her, her side gets bloody. The side of her neck is always full of blood or what looks like blood. And it think it’s bc the fleas stay there bc she’s missing her leg to scratch them off. What do I do?

I’ll possibly have to save up bc a vet said it’d be $60+ to even get her checked out (not including medication!)

Does anyone have advice?
Cats & kittens that are infested with fleas can & do die from anemia. Please do like @Bartonsfinest suggested and go get a proper flea medication.
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Our cats and kittens have had fleas many times before, we found that it is the best working product for us is the vet's best brand. Here is the product that we like best:

flea thing.jpg
Oh yeah she can take the topical flea medicine I use topical flea meds on my cats be cause it hurts my soul to give them pills lol

Here's that medicine for the cat it last 30 days it lasts on my kitten omen about 32 days
Personally I would not use any so-called natural treatments, but that's me. Just because something is touted as being natural does not mean that it is therefore either safe or effective. Often it is neither. I want something that works. Go to the pet supply and you will find there is a whole shelf full of flea products. Sometimes the best is the cheapest. I like flea powder. It is cheap and easy to use. Be sure to get the legs and feet. There are some pour-ons that are very effective. Bathing works as long as the cat is under the water. As soon as it dries off the fleas come back.

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