Flavorless egg yolks

Cutie Clucker

In the Brooder
May 16, 2020
Here’s my problem: Egg yolks going pale and less flavorful and creamy. They’re tasting like store bought eggs. 😭 We’ve recently had to restrict free range access to grass due to pest birds and rats getting into their feed area to just an hour in the morning and in the evening. Could this be the problem or is it something else? If it’s a lack of grass, Will giving them spinach and kale solve the problem?
When the chickens have more access to a wider variety of foods (like when they are foraging), then their yolks will be a much richer color. Treats will help some, I forget which specific things aid in color though.
Corn and marigolds (though I have never actually fed my hens marigolds) help increase the color of the yolks.

They need more access to fruits and veggies. That should also help with your egg colors and flavors.

You could even get Durvet Layer Vitamins, which have marigolds pigment in it, along with other helpful vitamins, that will help with your yolk colors.
That's definitely the problem. Providing as much variety as you can will help, table scraps, insects (dead or alive, trapped flies, Japanese beetles, etc), plant matter.

Could you reverse your strategy? Only put the feeders out for an hour in the morning and evening, and otherwise have them free ranging?
Adding some Corn, & marigolds to their diet can help improve the flavor, & color of egg yolks.

Just don't feed corn excessively, only as an occasional treat.
Yes, lack of free ranging will make the yolks paler. Ours went somewhat pale in the winter when they were eating more store bought food and then brightened again in the spring. Do you leave food out all night? Removing it at night will help reduce pests. Also, what kind of feeder do you use? We use 5 gallon buckets with pvc elbows and have almost no waste to attract pests. You could also try using a treadle feeder to keep pests out of the food too.

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