Flagyl - where to buy?


9 Years
Dec 12, 2012
Where can I find flagyl? Or anything similar (-zole medications)? Is this something that requires a vet prescription? Any help appreciated!
Thanks so much to you both! I'm looking at my chicken medicine chart and I see metronidazole, but not dosage or methods? I'm currently treating with Tylan200, but I think it's actually canker and not an URI---how long do I wait after I stop the Tylan before giving the metronidazole?
Thanks so much to you both! I'm looking at my chicken medicine chart and I see metronidazole, but not dosage or methods? I'm currently treating with Tylan200, but I think it's actually canker and not an URI---how long do I wait after I stop the Tylan before giving the metronidazole?
I think you can give both at the same time. I know you can give Baytril and Metronidazole together, so I don't think that it would be any different with Tylan. Just remember that antibiotics kill good bacteria, too, so one does open the door for other bacterial and fungal infections when using antibiotics.

Can you post some pictures of your bird?
About dosing... Some pigeon people give a whole 250mg tablet, some give the 100mg tablet. My vets told me to give 30mg/kg for 5 days when treating blackhead (histomoniasis), another vet said that I could give up to 60mg/kg, so do your research and weigh your bird!
I will try to get a good picture later today, I only have a bunch of fuzzy ones...her symptoms are as follows: yellow, cheesy-looking hard substance on roof of mouth (beak), black discoloration of mouth and throat, wheezing and and rales, green, runny droppings. There is some wet discharge coming from her nostrils, and she coughs and shakes her head frequently. It started about a week ago. Three or four days ago, she was bad---barely able to breathe, gasping and sitting with her head extended and mouth open, not eating or drinking. I was giving her Tylan200 with duramycin in her drinking water, but since she wasn't drinking I went to injections---.5cc Tylan200. She's a little better these last two days, eating and drinking some on her own, but I still hear the rattling in-and-out breathing sound. I'm going to finish the Tylan200 while I wait for the metronidazole to get here. I go back and forth on the diagnosis---we have dry pox in a seperate flock on the property, so we could also be seeing wet pox. But I'm not seeing any lesions or discharge in her eyes, or any similar signs that we've been seeing in the other flock. The chickens in her flock all appear fine, no complications so far. So I don't know...do you think it would hurt to treat her with the metronidazole if it is wet pox? Wet pox is viral, so I wouldn't think it would make a difference, would it? Thank you so much for the information you passed on, it's very interesting reading!

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