Every time we add bettas to our 125 gallon planted community tank they just disappear after a few weeks. Don’t know why they can’t thrive there like everybody else. We only try 1 or 2 at a time and it’s a peaceful tank.

Aww that sucks!! I’m sorry. :hit :hugs

I’m gonna put these guys in their own tanks. Bought two 10 gallons for them and I’m gonna plant them with live plants. :)

Then the two goldfish will be quarantined then put in a 75 gallon with my other 4. Come spring I’m gonna build them all a pond. :)
I used to be really into fish, but now I have something scaly and semi-aquatic that isn't a fish. I do still go the aquatic microcosm paludarium route though. There's nothing more relaxing than a mini-ecosystem on your coffee table in the summer sun.


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I used to be really into fish, but now I have something scaly and semi-aquatic that isn't a fish. I do still go the aquatic microcosm paludarium route though. There's nothing more relaxing than a mini-ecosystem on your coffee table in the summer sun.

That looks awesome. :love
Aw yeah fish.
I have a 28-gallon tropical tank in my living room with some diamond tetras, harlequin rasboras, one cory cat, and a nerite snail. I recently adopted two gouramis from a gal nearby who didn't have a big enough tank for them, I named them Count Richelieu and Milady De Winter.
I have a second small quarantine tank for tropical fish but right now it's housing the male diamond tetra. He's in time out because he's the reason I now have 9 diamond tetras instead of the five I started with.

And I'm also working on breeding bettas! I recently joined the IBC and hope to start going to shows in the coming years. Right now I have six bettas from the spawn I did last year, all various solid blue-series veiltails (I love VTs and wish the IBC had VT standards for regular breeders, not just the new breeder category, but anyway). Currently I'm trying to breed a pair of halfmoon coppers. I tried a different method from what I usually use last time and it did not go well at all, so I've given them a month to rest and recover and I'll try again in a week or so.
Aw yeah fish.
I have a 28-gallon tropical tank in my living room with some diamond tetras, harlequin rasboras, one cory cat, and a nerite snail. I recently adopted two gouramis from a gal nearby who didn't have a big enough tank for them, I named them Count Richelieu and Milady De Winter.
I have a second small quarantine tank for tropical fish but right now it's housing the male diamond tetra. He's in time out because he's the reason I now have 9 diamond tetras instead of the five I started with.

And I'm also working on breeding bettas! I recently joined the IBC and hope to start going to shows in the coming years. Right now I have six bettas from the spawn I did last year, all various solid blue-series veiltails (I love VTs and wish the IBC had VT standards for regular breeders, not just the new breeder category, but anyway). Currently I'm trying to breed a pair of halfmoon coppers. I tried a different method from what I usually use last time and it did not go well at all, so I've given them a month to rest and recover and I'll try again in a week or so.

So sorry I never responded!! Completely forgot. :oops:

Sounds like you have an awesome set up!!!

I’d love something a little bigger like a 29 or something.

And I laughed at the tetra comment :lau

And I hope the betta breeding goes well. :fl

I think one of mine is dying :hit
@KDOGG331 Unfortunately I think two of the tetra babies have grown up to be males as well...the quarantine tank isn't big enough to hold three males without them fighting so I'm probably going to get overrun with diamond tetras in the near future (unless the gouramis eat all the fry, which they might).

I just had one of my bettas come down with velvet, so she's currently in the middle of treatment. Thankfully she's not one I'm planning to breed. No idea where on earth she would have gotten it but now I've got to get all new supplies for water changes and stuff so I don't spread it to everyone else...
@KDOGG331 Unfortunately I think two of the tetra babies have grown up to be males as well...the quarantine tank isn't big enough to hold three males without them fighting so I'm probably going to get overrun with diamond tetras in the near future (unless the gouramis eat all the fry, which they might).

I just had one of my bettas come down with velvet, so she's currently in the middle of treatment. Thankfully she's not one I'm planning to breed. No idea where on earth she would have gotten it but now I've got to get all new supplies for water changes and stuff so I don't spread it to everyone else...

Aw no! That stinks!! Hopefully you don’t have a million baby tetras haha

And that sounds like a real hassle!! And expensive haha

But hopefully she recovers okay. :fl

One of mine seriously looks like he’s on deaths door or maybe already died. Idk.

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