First time raising Bantams, it’s a learning curve!


6 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
7 days ago we picked up an order of bantams. Plus 8 regular size chicks (brooding separately). We ordered 25 bantams, straight run, Hatchery choice of clean leg variety.

Here they are day of pickup at the Hatchery. Left side all bantams, right side 8 regular chicks and one breed of bantams.

Hatchery gave us 35 bantams. Clearly they know a thing or two about bantams…we are now down to the original 25 we ordered.

Having raised quail (including incubating and hatching quail which are very tiny when hatched), we were aware the bantams would be more fragile. I think next time, we will brood in the house for first week unless we get them during very warm weather. Having them outside (very protected from elements), makes it harder to check on them as often. We’ve given them all Nutri Drench when first arrived, and any additional doses have been given to one’s that are a bit more lethargic, or that have gotten poopy butt treatment. Always given water at same time. We have blended down the crumble too, bc they still seem to prefer that size of the two feeders, one with regular crumble and other with crumble run through the blender to reduce the size.

Hopefully, we don’t lose any more! They do seem quite happy and energetic.

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