First Time Incubator

Chickens R Us

7 Years
Dec 27, 2012
Upper Peninsula of Michigan
So here is my story, I got an incubator for my birthday and originally I was not going to incubate this late in the spring but my daughter convinced me that I should make sure the incubator worked properly.
Didn't take much convincing. So I decided to collect a few eggs from my mixed laying flock. I have a Buff Orpington rooster and Barred Rock, Red Sexlink, and Buff Orpington hens. I collected 4 eggs the first day and just stored them in my kitchen which is about 70 degrees, the next day I collected 6 more eggs. That day I put them all into the incubator. The next day I decided to add one more egg to the incubator. I only have one Buff Orpington female and I wanted to try and get at least two of her eggs in the bator. I had a lot of problems decided what temperature and humidity I should try to maintain because I saw soooo many different recommendations. I also was originally unaware of how inacurate the thermometer and hydrometer that came with the incubator were. I decided to buy an accurate thermometer/hydrometer and it showed that I had been incubating my eggs at about 101 degrees and 40% humidity. So when I candled my eggs on day 7 I was sure I had cooked my eggs.
I was going to throw out the eggs but my daughter convinced me to keep the eggs just a couple more days. On day 10 we checked them again and noticed that the mass in the egg was darker and bigger! I now think one of the my major issues the first time was how dark the egg shells on some eggs are. Also on day 10 we realized that one of the eggs never started to develop. So we are now down to 10 eggs. Over the next couple of weeks we kept the temperature at 100 and the humidity around 50%. We candled again on days 14 and 18 and they seemed to be developing. Well, the mass inside is getting bigger and getting more veins. And none of them stink.
It is now 20 days after we stuck the first eggs in the incubator and we had our first two pips this morning!
I think they are starting a day early because we did not store the first 4 eggs at cool enough temperature. I am kind of nervous that we are going to have our chicks hatching over a three day period.
But I was just soooo excited this morning that I had to share my story with all of my fellow chicken lovers! Wish me luck!

More pictures to come!
Chickens R Us, Hey congratulations! That must have been an exciting 3 weeks so far, and the next day or so will be just as exciting, but probably less scary.
I was just looking around to see if I really need to candle eggs when I came across your story. I just got a little 7-egg incubator and plan to get a few hatching eggs next month. I'm scared, and wondering if I really will need to candle, or if they'll either do just fine, or die without it. Do you know if it's necessary?
Anyway, I'll be checking back to see your pics. Good story!
Chickens R Us, Hey congratulations! That must have been an exciting 3 weeks so far, and the next day or so will be just as exciting, but probably less scary.
I was just looking around to see if I really need to candle eggs when I came across your story. I just got a little 7-egg incubator and plan to get a few hatching eggs next month. I'm scared, and wondering if I really will need to candle, or if they'll either do just fine, or die without it. Do you know if it's necessary?
Anyway, I'll be checking back to see your pics. Good story!

I think the most important thing about candling is making sure that you don't have a rotten egg that could explode. Otherwise candling is not necessary to keep chicks alive.
Oh, they're just darling! Thank you for answering about the candling. An exploding, rotten egg would not be a pretty sight!
I was reading in the hatching section last night, and I think this is the right time to put them in the brooder, but you need to make certain for yourself, in case I was mistaken.
This is such a sweet story you're sharing with us.
Okay, update time! Last night before I went to bed one more chick hatched.

And when I got up this morning I saw these two staring back at me...

An hour later I went down to check on them and another little one had appeared!

Two hours after that the first red one showed up.

And only minutes ago another little Buff Orpington hatched!

This brings our current total to 8 out of ten eggs so far!!!!

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