First time hatching with a broody


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 6, 2009
Southeast Michigan
Hello Everyone!

I am a hatching chicks with a broody for the first time. I gave her six fertilized eggs on April 9th, late in the day close to 6pm. I am so excited for my new babies but I am so so busy with school this week I am afraid I am going to miss what is going on. I marked the calendar for hatching on Friday the 30th but could it be Saturday because she didn't start sitting until late in the day on the 9th? Also, the temps have been dipping in to the low 30's at night and I am keeping her in an old dog kennel outside. Is this bad for the eggs and hatching? It is supposed to be in the mid 70's by Friday. Ugh, I am just so stressed and excited all at the same time!!! I can't believe I scheduled this the week of finals! WHAT WAS I THINKING?

My BO is sitting on 3 Cuckoo Maran eggs, 2 Auracanas, and 1 mystery white egg! Please send me your advice and support to soothe my nerves!

Breath deep and relax everything is just fine Momma will take care of everything like she should be doing as for the heat she will provide that as well so don't worry your not missing out on anything she will hatch them and you will know when this goes down so worry about your finals and not her.
Thanks BYR! I know she will take care of everything. She is has been a great mom/broody for a first timer so far. I just don't want to miss a thing. If the chicks can wait until Saturday that would perfectly fit into my schedule. But you never know with mother nature???

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