First Eggs Since Sept-Oct!!


Crossing the Road
May 10, 2020
Chester, Nova Scotia
My Coop
My Coop
Well, it finally happened. My "old" girls (EE who only turn 2 in May), finally started laying again. Neither had laid an egg since late September, early October when they started their molt. We had moved in December, so that could have added stress to their systems... but 5 months?! My husband was calling them freeloaders. Every day when I checked for eggs I would say "are you earning your keep again girls?", the answer was always a firm no.
I got home last night after a 16.5hr shift and my husband pointed to the eggs, at first I wasn't sure what I was seeing because I was so cross-eyed with exhaustion, I kind of looked at him with confusion and he said, "the old girls are laying again!" I had forgotten what their eggs looked like! My first thought was actually "what the hell is wrong with the young girls?!
Good job Berta and Lizabeth, mama needed that nice surprise after that day.
Attached is the photo of my long-awaited eggs. The young girls lay the blue eggs, Lizabeth lays the light brown and Berta lays the olive egg.

I had a few girls who produced eggs over the winter, but more than half of my hens are still on "winter break."

Of course, as cold as it's been, it's kind of a relief not to have to bundle up and run outside every few hours to make sure eggs are freezing and breaking (had to apologize to Valentina, my Columbian Wyandotte yesterday because I was too late to save her lovely egg).

Hurray for Berta and Lizabeth -- may they inspire the youngsters!
My husband would remind our oldest hen, when she would stop laying, that she would be soup if she didn't start giving us eggs again for her food. It always worked. Maybe she understood what he was saying :confused:
My husband threatens them with the freezer.
He blames me because when they were chicks I promised them they would live until the ends of their days, even after they have stopped laying. He said they decided "why are we working so hard if we don't have to earn our keep." :lau

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