Thank you so much!! I really appreciate all the helpful information! I probably will collect the shells also because when I decided to get chickens, I had no idea how invested I was going to be in every little thing they do 😂 I just love them so much!
Chicken obsession gets real after the first buy.🤣 enjoy your hens and your eggs❤️.
That’s a great idea about blowing out the first egg! I’m going to steal that idea 🤣. Haven’t gotten mine yet.
My husband got me a little wicker picnic style basket that I keep the empty egg shells in and I keep it on the shelf infront of my kitchen sink 😊 it's getting pretty full, I have some first eggs and some eggs that seemed a little unique in color, spots, or shape.
One of our girls laid her first egg! I am a first time chicken owner so I am very very excited!! But I also have some questions!

Is it normal that it is so small?

Is there anything special you have to do to first (or any) eggs?

I have 11 pullets, do I need to wait until they’re all laying before I change their feed?
I believe in beginning of egg laying they usually are on smaller side, they get bigger as the chicken gets a bit older. I would switch their feed now if they are all same age as the one who laid her first egg, that should be fine. The difference between chick feed and laying is the calcium, so they don't need all that calcium b4 egg laying stage. But if they are about to lay eggs I think the laying feed would be good for them to strengthen their shells and all
Happy Day! Congratulations on your first egg! I have 10 RIR pullets that are 16 weeks old and I think I might be like a kid on Christmas morning when I discover my first one. For those who have blown them out, are you able to re-fill it with another substance (like via syringe or something)? If so, what do you use? If not, is there anything you can do to make the shell less fragile?
Happy Day! Congratulations on your first egg! I have 10 RIR pullets that are 16 weeks old and I think I might be like a kid on Christmas morning when I discover my first one. For those who have blown them out, are you able to re-fill it with another substance (like via syringe or something)? If so, what do you use? If not, is there anything you can do to make the shell less fragile?
I haven't filled mine with anything and have yet to break any of the shells. But, they are in a pretty safe place too. I'd assume you could fill them, but you'd want to check that what you use doesn't expand or shrink once it sets up. Google will know way more than me 😁
I believe in beginning of egg laying they usually are on smaller side, they get bigger as the chicken gets a bit older. I would switch their feed now if they are all same age as the one who laid her first egg, that should be fine. The difference between chick feed and laying is the calcium, so they don't need all that calcium b4 egg laying stage. But if they are about to lay eggs I think the laying feed would be good for them to strengthen their shells and all
Thank you!!! I will finish the bag of feed we have then switch them over.
One of our girls laid her first egg! I am a first time chicken owner so I am very very excited!! But I also have some questions!

Is it normal that it is so small?

Is there anything special you have to do to first (or any) eggs?

I have 11 pullets, do I need to wait until they’re all laying before I change their feed?
Is normal and sometimes you will get double yolk
One of our girls laid her first egg! I am a first time chicken owner so I am very very excited!! But I also have some questions!

Is it normal that it is so small?

Is there anything special you have to do to first (or any) eggs?

I have 11 pullets, do I need to wait until they’re all laying before I change their feed?
It's common for the first few eggs to be smaller. They should get larger over time.

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