First Broody hen just hatched a Christmas baby


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2023
My broody hen just hatched an egg she had two under her, I really didn’t know if either would hatch but to our surprise so far 1 did. My question now is since it’s winter do I take baby and put in a brooder with a heat lamp or let mom keep taking care of it in the coop as we live in the UP of Michigan? Should I bring mom with also. Thank you and Merry Christmas
Personally I would let her keep it, she kept it warm enough to hatch didn’t she? Plus if only the one hatches you don’t want it to be alone. Just keep an eye on them for a few days to be sure that she doesn’t try to kick it out of the nest
Keep a watch on the temps and see if there comes a day when it seems in distress. It won't hurt to bring them into a warmer room, garage might be okay. Just during extreme cold.

Although, a light in the coop might heat it up enough for a chick.
Personally I would let her keep it, she kept it warm enough to hatch didn’t she? Plus if only the one hatches you don’t want it to be alone. Just keep an eye on them for a few days to be sure that she doesn’t try to kick it out of the nest
This with questions....
Has she been separated from the rest of flock? If so watch bullying.
Where is she in pecking order? Low hens might get bullied endangering her chick.

If your all good there let her raise her baby, only intercept if she neglects it.
She most likely won't take her baby outside for at least a few days maybe longer depending on your weather.
Covered run? Heated waterer?
Post pics of your momma broody and baby and keep us updated.
Btw, I did 25+ years near Gaylord so I sorta feel your pain with weather. I'm near Lansing now and we have a Michigan thread here...

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