Fine or Flake?? Help please. :)


8 Years
May 26, 2011
North Carolina
Ok so I have had my chicks that I hatched on paper towels. They're getting older and I think they are ready for wood chips.

What kind? Fine or flake? I was wanting fine but someone told me they eat it. Is this true?
I have not had issues with chicks eating the fine, but I am also not saying they don't. I have been using flake as of late though just to keep the dust down.
I think mixed compressed wood chips that have no cedar in it.. You can find bags that open up to about 10 cubic feet at any feed supply for around $5 to $6 dollars I think. The compressed bags are not the course but not fine enough to be full of wood dust that I feel is a respiratory issue for young developing lungs.
I buy the fine from TSC and use it for the chicken coop, brooder box, rabbit litter boxes too. I've never had a problem with it being to fine or dusty. Tried the flakes once but didn't care for it. I've also never had an issue with chicks eating the shavings, especially once they know all about the feeder. Yeah they play around with it and may even consume a little but I've never had a problem with it.
As long as they have shavings it really isn't an issue of fine or flake. Some places call fine what I would call dust! I have bought flakes only to find large chunks of mulch in it. Bottom Line is this: find a product you like and stick with it. The chickens can't read so I don't think they care what brand or consistency you use period!

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