Finally finished the UFO!

Idaho winters, tiny serama's, and a coop that is off the ground necessitates some added heat. We have installed two 250w ceramic heat emitters controlled by a RaspberryPi running the PrivateEyePi project. This allows us to monitor and control the temperature of our coop from the web. We mounted the heat emitter housings using angle aluminum so we wouldn't be relying on the weak clamps. To keep the birds off or in case a fixture falls, we put a chicken wire cage over them sort of like a blanket attached to the roof.
Hi and thank you for asking - The coop is doing well in the winter!
We keep it warm but not too warm and the humidity stays low. We haven't had any messed up waddles or combs so I feel they are well adjusted to our winter and the coop is just right.
They don't hang out in the coop unless it is actively snowing because we keep their food and water in the yard and in a hoop greenhouse I built for our broody girls to hatch some ebay eggs. All of our broody girls first prefer the ufo before I train them to use the greenhouse if that says anything about their comfort level with the coop.

The deep litter method works in the space well and we just changed it for the first time since we started the coop. I think that is key to keeping it from getting gross.

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