Fight amongst my flock


Nov 14, 2020
Hello all,

I have just introduced 2 new hens to my flock of 4. They have been seperated and using coop next to each other and then alternating them using the run for the past 2 weeks.
I have just introduced them today and they have been showing them whose boss, but when they submit leave them be.
The problem is actually with my 2 hens from the same flock made their way into the new coop and then had a fight and now one has a bleeding comb. I have seperated her from the flock to limit any further injury.
When will it be ok to bring her back?
Also should I just allow a small interation each day for a few days with the 2 new ladies, or just let them find the equilibrium with having access to each other 24/7?

Many Thanks
We have just bought some more chicken wire to extend the run a further 4M towards the trampoline and blue slide you can see in picture.


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I do let mine free range in the garden, but the new hens are still getting used to me and I don't want them flying off, especially as we are very rural, the foxes and their young are hungry at this time of year.
How long does the pecking order take to settle down?
Pecking order fluctuations are an ongoing thing but things should start settling down once the newcomers are ready to begin laying.

As far as how often they should be able to see each other during this period, as much as possible - they can't get used to each other when they aren't seeing each other, so they should have as much visual contact as possible.
Ok, I have released them together again and its much calmer than yesterday. The hen who was bleeding is definitely top of the pecking order and all is calm amongst her original of my newcomers is laying and the other isn't, she is hiding from them.

Thanks for all your comments on this subject.

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